chapter eleven

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today was my 5th year at hogwarts.

i got changed into my uniform, so i didn't have to change on the train, and went downstairs to eat something before we leave.

draco was already in the kitchen, he had some toast in his mouth while he was trying to tie his tie around his neck.

i went over to the toaster, mother said it was a muggle invention, if i'm honest she loves muggles but if father found out he would hate her, i put some bread in the toaster and sat down waiting for it to be done.

i was scared about going back to hogwarts since the "task", but me and draco agreed we would help each other, i wanted to know what was in dracos mind about this whole thing. he wouldn't let his emotions out when people was around it was normally behind close doors.

"draco, what do you think hogwarts is going to be like?" i asked while my toast popped up, i went over to grab it and to butter it.

"well, i know it's going to be different since we won't have any free time but think about something that makes you happy like the wedding. that's what i'm doing" he said cooly turning around and bitting into his toast.

but only if he knew. my happy thoughts wasn't the wedding it was harry and the fact that this plan was to kill him, stung like a bitch.

i nodded at him picking up my toast and going to the lounge to clam my nerves. i didn't want to go i should of stayed at Beauxbatons, it would have been better and safer.

i was pacing round the lounge until i heard a knock at the door. Tewkesbury

i went to the front door taking a deep breath and twisting the door nob, when the door was open i was greeted by his shiny white teeth.

"dracos in the kitchen, help yourself to something if you need" i said resorting back to the lounge when his big hands grabbed my wrist weekly and pulled me back.

"darling. i'm not here for draco" he said staring straight into my grey eyes.

the tension was thick and for a moment i was leaning closer and closer to him until i was extremely close to him, i cleared my throat and walked back into the lounge.

platform 9 3/4,   harry's pov:

y/n didn't answer my owl from yesterday, i assumed she was okay well that's what i told myself to stop worrying.

i was putting all of my stuff away and entered with hermione and ron behind me.

i was looking for compartments until i saw y/n.

i stopped in my tracks when i saw her outside one compartment.

"harry..." she says in her beautiful accent her grey eyes burning through mine.

"y/n, how have you been" i said crushing her in a hug.

"i've been good" she replied putting on a small smile.

hermione and ron also hugged her and she looked so tired and ill, i didn't say anything though she was talking until the compartment door that we was in front of swung open.

"y/n, are you getting in or- malfoy said looking at harry then at me a small smirk appeared on his lips.

"what the fuck are you doing with potter get in the compartment your boyfriend, or should i say husband is driving me crazy" he said still straight at me.

what malfoy said hurt. what husband?

wait why do i care?

i don't?

but i wouldn't send her loads of letters about the little things if i didn't? 

the train was spinning.

i don't remember the next i only remember seeing ron and hermione shocked faces and y/n's scared face when she saw me drop to the floor.

y/n's pov

i saw harry's limp body fall slowly on the hard floor, his glasses cracked and hermione and ron freaking out.

i wanted to help but i was dragged inside the compartment by draco.

"what did i tell you about talking to mudbloods and potter" draco said slumping on the seat opposite me

"and i tell you each time blood means nothing to me" i said through gritted teeth looking straight at him.

"i'm with malfoy on this one y/n, i mean you are working for the dark lord it isn't the best speaking to potter" Tewkesbury said looking at me in the eyes, UGH i wanted to punch his beautiful face so hard right now.

"whatever..i mumbled standing up ..i'm going to find a different compartment i can't bare to stay in here any longer with two idiots treating me like a six year old" i said grabbing my book from of the seat and opened the door.

"y/n come on-" Tewkesbury started saying when i slammed the door.

i was about to walk off until i heard dracos voice

"just let her have her tantrum, she will be all over you soon.. i'll make sure of it.."

it made my skin cover in goose bumps, i knew draco would never hurt me physically but i knew it had something to do with harry and i didn't like the sound of that...

this chapter was 817 words so i it's not long long but i stayed up till 1 am on a school night to make two, anyways ty for reading make sure to vote <3

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