chapter twenty- six ~ 19 years later

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y/n's pov:

my life was the dream i always dreamt off..

me and harry have been married for 16 years and have a daughter called Andromeda.

yes Andromeda was my auntie who lost contact with mother but since she divorce father she came in contact with her with the help of harry since he helped raise teddy lupin.

mother painted all the walls in the house a nice cream white colour to add more light to it with the help of the weasleys, draco and of course harry himself.

i was still heartbroken about tewkesbury and seeing his mother brake down right infront of me when i told her about it hit me like a bus.

however his body was not found but we still had a remembrance funeral.

i knew he wouldn't of liked it if i would cry about it so i tried my best to stay positive.

me and harry also got a huge manor with a beautiful colourful garden and inside the house was light colours.

all though we had our own house we would always go to mothers house since she was often on her own.

me and mother was sat in the kitchen drinking the tea that she loved which made me fall in love with it.. while chatting about Andromeda and Scorpius, dracos child who looked the split of him, growing up so fast.

once draco learned to expect the fact that i loved harry they got along just fine. they mostly spoke about quidditch or their love for their work.

they was both in the living room watching a muggle thing called "football" and ever so often hearing both of their shouts from the team losing.

me and mother was still chatting when we heard shouts from upstairs from both Scorpius and Andromeda and then clashes as they ran down the stairs

"mum! dad! nanny cissy, uncle draco! me and Scorpius need to tell you something!" Andromeda shouted throughout the manor knocking a vase over in the process.

we heard more movement outside the door when Andromeda, Scorpius, Draco and Harry all ran through the door.

Andromeda's hair was the same shade of blond as mine with harry's emerald green eyes.

her hair was all messy from where she has fell and she was heavily breaving from running.

"what's wrong?!' draco asked scared as much as we all was

"we got our hogwarts letter!" Scorpius said holding his letter in his hand.

"that's great!" i said before hugging Scorpius and Andromeda.

we all took turns to hug them but romy's face dropped.

"what's wrong romy?" i asked nealing down on her level.

"but i won't be able to see lily.." she said with a sad face looking over at harry who has lily in his hands.

"oh romy.. don't be silly! she will be waiting for you when you come back for brakes i promise..." i said smiling at her before Scorpius took her hand went to run out the room but stopped when he got to the door.

"sorry auntie y/n/n.. me and romy was colouring.. i hope i'm not being rude." he said with a small smile on his face

"of course not scorps, go have fun!" i said smiling at them both before they ran out he door running back upstairs

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