chapter three

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y/n's pov:

i don't remember much from last night. i only remember busting my knuckles and standing in dracos doorway of his dorm room deciding if i should tell him or not.

after minutes of deciding what to do i ended up not saying anything, i couldn't sleep that night so i decided to go on a walk, i didn't care if umbridge found out, i had the stupid excuse to say i was looking for harry and his friends.

i was walking to god knows where until i bumped into something hard. i looked up to see ron staring back down at me in confusing

"y/n? what are you doing up after hours?" ron asked still looking down at me.

"couldn't sleep" i replied moving back.

" y/n, i'm really sorry for earlier, i don't wanna ruin a new friendship just because i couldn't keep my mouth shut" ron said blabbering on, i knew words wouldn't shut him up i dived into a hug which he gladly returned, it seemed like we both needed a hug.

none of us said anything for a while we just stood in the corridors hugging.

"s'okay ron, i forgive you" i smiled letting go of him.

"harry won't talk to me, he locked himself in his room and won't let anyone in, i decided i would go for a walk since i couldn't do anything else." he replied

"oh i'm sorry, we could always spend the night on the sofas in the common room and if someone else wakes up before us we could just say were studying?" i suggested.

"sure that would be great thanks y/n" he replied squishing me in a hug.

"but first i'm going to talk to harry" ron nodded his head and we exchanged passwords so he could get everything ready and i could go speak to harry.

i walked slowly to the door and knocked on it.

"go away." harry shouted,

"it's y/n, harry open the door" i replied trying to open the door, but it was locked.

"y/n?, what are you doing here?" he asked not bothering to open the door,

"open the door and we can talk" i replied back. harry opened the door and grabbed my arm and pulled me into his dorm.

"why did you kick ron out the dorm?" i asked getting straight to the point.

"he upset you, hermione told me what happened" he said looking at my knuckles.

i managed to quickly hide them with my sleeve of my top, but harry grabbed my arm and pulled my sleeve from over my knuckles, he examined all the bruises and red marks and cuts.

he raised his other hand to touch it.

"does it hurt?" harry asked looking concerned.

"not anymore" i smiled.

"why did you do it?" harry asked as he took me over to his bed so he could put cream on it.

if i'm honest it did still hurt.

i'm pretty sure i broke one of them but it would be hard explaining what happened and why i did it.

"it's stupid but it's what i do when i'm angry or upset" i replied watching harry was he rubbed the cream in, we sat in silence while he rubbed the rest of it in but it wasn't awkward at all.

once he finshed i stood up and so did harry.

"i best be getting back to ron, we're having a "sleep over" in my common room since you kicked him out" i smiled and poked his shoulder, he laughed aswell.

"goodnight y/n"

"goodnight harry"

so this one is extremely short and i cba to go back through it and edit it so if there's any mistakes please feel free to comment <3

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