chapter sixteen

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y/n's pov:  tw: child abuse and violence

when draco and i arrived to the manor we was instantly greeted by mother running out to us to probably "stay calm" or "do whatever he says"

"y/n, draco.. your fathers waiting for you in the dining room." she said quickly.

we knew never to ask questions and we knew she would never answer or father would get mad.

we both nodded and walked into the manor on our way to have, what father calls, "a family meeting" but without mother.

"ah there you both are, took your time." father said which made both draco and i cringe by the sound of his voice. i don't hate a lot of people but he is definitely one of them.

we stood there in shock and no words coming to our mind, so the first thing we do is just stand there like idiots.. great.

"what are you waiting for? sit." father said sharply which made dracos hands turn into fists

we both took our seats which was two down from where he was sat at the head of the table.

"your mother already told me about the cabinet, have you finished?" father said impatiently

"not yet.." i said instantly

"it's been four months, why is it taking so long?" he asked looking between draco and i.

"is someone distracting you both, perhaps Tewkesbury.." father said turning to me then looking back at draco

"and greengrass?" he finished off.

"has mother not told you, Tewkesbury and his family work for the dark lord. he knows it's important why would he distract me?" i responses coldly, he's always so stubborn for no reason.

"love is for weak people, remember that both of you." he laughed at my comment and then turned to draco in which they whispered to each other, they always did it so i didn't think anything off it until i saw fathers eyes flicker onto me with pure disgust in them

"y/n, why did your potion smell like potter?" father said dangerously low.

i turned to look at draco with anger in my eyes but he would not make eye contact since he obviously knew he was in the wrong for telling.

we have always been close but draco seems to be a snitch most of the time especially when it came to father, however he did not do it because he hated me it was because he wanted him to be proud

i couldn't hold it in anymore. i was always in his shadow from day one, i'm a fucking death eater who has to kill my headmaster which leads to kill the only person who i ever fell in love with.

i will admit it i'm not the best kid but i know for one thing is that once i'm mad.. there's no going back.

it's a malfoy thing.

one minute i saw red and next i pushed draco off his chair and was about to punch him when i was grabbed by father.

"how dare you do such a thing to your brother! i guess he was telling the truth since the way you reacted!" he shouted while holding the front of my robes

draco stood there in a awe, he didn't say anything and for once there wasn't a huge stupid smirk on his face. reality hit him.

i was going to do something that i haven't done ever in my life, tell him the truth.

"you wanna know the truth lucius? your a fucking bully who does nothing but mentally and physically abuse their children for not doing as you want them too. all i ever wanted was you to be proud but i soon realised who needs a sobby, stuck up, waste of air as a dad, cause i definitely don't-" i shouted but was cut off by his handing slapping me hard around my face twice before he let go off my so i fell on the floor.

i stayed there looking at the space in front of me scared of looking at his face. every sound was muffled and all i could think about was the look on his face when he hit me.

i finally got the confidence to look back up at him.

and what i saw shocked me.

draco was on top of him punching him repeatedly harder and harder each time.

mother stood there and sobbed trying to pull draco off Lucius but there was no use, so instead she stood there screaming dracos name to stop.

i soon shot up when i saw a huge pile of blood around him.

"draco stop!" i screamed pulling his arm so he couldn't punch him but instead he carried on and on

"draco stop, it your going to kill him!" mother sobbed more.

i managed to grab the back of his robe and pull him off with all of my strength. his eyes was cold and full of anger until he met my grey ones then mother's golden brown ones.

he layed there surrounded by blood while his nose obviously broken and his face covered in blood and his clothes also covered in blood along with rips where dracos grip was too tight which ended up ripping.

mothers crying soon stopped when she heard Lucius speak

"get them out now." he whispered probably not able to breath

"gladly.." draco said while he grabbed my wrist and turned on his heal and stormed out of the room while being followed by mother

"wait.. y/n.. draco!" she shouted throughout the manor until we got to the door step

"what could you possibly say at a time like this mother? Lucius hit y/n i'm not just going to stand there and allow that, he deserves to die that was the aim." he said cooly but his face expressions said different

"please don't hate me because of him.." her voice hushed while she cried harder.

i felt bad for mother she was always under control by him and seeing her brake down hurt

"we don't mother, i promise just we both aren't safe, i will write to you later " i replied and her expression turned even more sad if that was possible.

dracos face expressions also changed as we both gave mother a quick hug but soon left when we all heard smashing from the kitchen it was probably the tea pot, or glasses.

we gave one last glance at the manor before we used the portkey to get back to hogwarts

that was probably one of the hardest chapters to write since i didn't want to go into detail so this is is a bit bad but ty for reading make sure to vote :)

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