chapter eight

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task/ spying_________

y/n's pov:

the next few months was constant torture.

i was scared of the things i would have to face when i got back to hogwarts.

i apparently was more capable of stuff so i got the task of killing dumbledore while draco got the task of mending the cabinet for the death eaters to enter hogwarts.draco wasn't too happy with the outcome, i would often hear his cries every night.

mother pretended like nothing was wrong and everything was perfect. whenever i head dracos crying i would sit outside his door and sing a song that comforts both draco and i. mother used to sing it to us both when we hurt ourselves or was just upset, it seemed stupid but it helped.

harry contently sent letters.

he knew i was on "holiday" but it wouldn't be to me it would just be about the day he had or just about how much he missed me.

i wanted to just hug him. i wanted him to just love me but i wouldn't let harry be in this much danger for me.

i would keep all of his letters he would send and keep them in my underwear draw, so if mother or draco found it then they have some explaining to do.

i would get them out every night once i sang to draco and just fall asleep with them in my hand. it sounded stupid but it helped again.

i would read them over and over and over again until i could sleep.

harry normally sent letters everyday but one day he stopped.

i was confused to start with and hurt but it's best for harry to stay away from me.

we was meant to be going back to hogwarts soon and i was dreading it. i didn't want to hurt anyone nor be a death eater.

me mother and draco was going to diagon alley today to get our new books for the year and i wanted to visit honeydukes and get something since i haven't ate a lot recently.

we was walking when i saw a big red shop with a person on top with a top hat and a bunny on there head. it was a joke shop.

i wanted to go in and see all the jokes when i saw the sign. it was fred and george's shop. mother would never let me go in there, the weasleys and malfoy's hated each other.

i told my mother that i needed a new skirt so i could try and get in to fred and george's shop without them questioning anything. i told her i wanted to shop alone which luckily she was fine with. she gave me some galleon before she left to go to collect draco and i's books.

i made sure mother and draco was far away when i entered the weasley shop.

as soon as i stepped in the shop i felt the chaos hit me as i was pushed in with the crowd since there was people behind me.

once i was walking around looking at stuff i soon questioned myself why i was here in the first place. i was deep in though when i heard a voice from behind me.

"hm a malfoy" george said making me jump and turn around

"in our very own shop" fred finished.

i was shocked about what they said i didn't know how to respond. i was always told i had an attitude but at this moment i couldn't seem to develop any words.

"don't worry though ron told us all about you" fred carried on.

"more like harry..." george finished elbowing me.

"oh shut up weasleys" you smiled and nudge them and walked off out the shop.

mother told me that they was going somewhere with draco and to come after i got my skirt. i was walking to where mother said when i saw legs on the roof on the house. i was confused so i moved forwards to see three people.

"harry, hermione, ron?" i asked in confusion. they all turned around to look at me and there eyes glued on me.

"i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you, but are you spying on my brother?" i asked still looking at the trio

"y/n, we can explain we thought that you-..." hermione spoke when harry interrupted her

"i thought you was there, we was all worried sick. you didn't answer any of my owls" harry jumped off running towards me and squishing me in a hug.

i didn't want this moment to end but hermione and ron soon came down and it was rude not to hug them.

harry looked genuinely worried and it made me upset knowing that i was going to be hurting him when he found out that i am one of then dark lords "leaders" but it wasn't my choice. i had no choice but what hermione said when i first met her made me think.

what if i could of stopped it. but i didnt..

what if i turn into a bad person, i didn't want that at all, i just wanted to be loved and have friends who care for me as me not in draco malfoy "slytherin princes" shadow.

and i was going to betray them..

this chapter was only 900 words. THEY BACK AT HOGWARTS SOONNNN. this story has gone quite depressing but i will try get it back to normal LMAOO hope you enjoyed :)

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