chapter twenty

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y/n's pov:

what draco said hit me like a truck.

i told him that we don't have to talk to each other right now but he need to get rid of that necklace

i was sitting at a table with hermione ron and harry while watching harry glance a few times at ginny. ginny weasley...

and draco sat there lifeless watching everyone that came through the door... couldn't make it more obvious

"look at malfoy over there.. he hasn't said one insult to me this year..weird" hermione commented, i told them that if they wanted to talk about i wouldn't care since that's all they talk about

"it's because you punched him in year 3 hermione" ron replied laughing and so did everyone else

i remember reading mother and fathers letter that draco sent them about it the whole time it just said about hermione being a muggle born and that she disrespected her

we laughed and joked for a while until i saw draco stand up and leave to go to the rest room.

"i'm just going to the toilet, order another butter beer while i'm gone if you like, it's on me.." i smiled and put a coin down before standing up and making my way towards the toilet doors.

i watched harry stare at me with confusion probably not acting myself since i don't actually like butter beer.

once i got in and saw draco give a girl the necklace

"make sure you don't touch the necklace, only the outside.." he said with wide eyes and in shock that she actually took it, especially from a slytherin.

she nodded then was on her way to give it to dumbledore.

i made sure she was out of sight before i spoke to draco

"what if she touches the the necklace?" i asked scared of killing an innocent girl

"she would be cursed..." he said sorting his hair out in the mirror of the bathroom

he stared at himself in the mirror trying to find the right words to say until he turned towards me

"y/n.. were monsters..." he said looking at me with wide red eyes.

"we don't have a choice draco, he will kill all of us.." i said stepping closer and hugged him

we stayed like that for a moment until he realised who he was and straightened himself up.

"you better be going back to potter before he gets suspicious, i'll come out later on when you have left" he said giving me a small smile before i nodded and walked out of the door back to the trio.

"what took you so long?" ron asked while laughing.

i watched as hermione nudged him with her elbow to stop before he beats his ass.

"lady probably.." i said back laughing as i watched rons face change to a disgusted/ embarrassed look before coughing and looking away. people who have periods this is nothing to be ashamed off i just think that this is something that ron would do :)

my laughing soon got to much that hermione and harry started laughing with me.

we drank the last of our butter beers and harry kept staring at the door of the toilets which put my on edge.

we soon left once we drank our butter beers.

we was all in a line with our arms around each other walking and forgetting everything until we saw someone in the sky

katie bell?

we all approved her and her friend screaming and crying

"i told her not to touch it!" her friend said to harry while looking down at something on the ground.

i was next to hermione but moved to see what was on the floor.

when i saw i took a step towards it, i knew it..

it was the necklace.

harry's hand went to reach to touch it but i was soon to grab his hand to stop him.

"it's cursed harry, don't touch it" i said looking at him protect fully. scared that if he touched the necklace it would kill him and i couldn't bare it...

he nodded at me and looking in front of him to see hagrid picking up katie.

none of us took our hand away probably out off fear or the fact that this is what we both wanted for at-least what i wanted.

when we got back to hogwarts the trio and i was sent to see Professor McGonagall and Snape.

"why is it when something happens it's always you three?!" McGonagall said turning to the trio then back at me

"miss malfoy, your one of the least person i would expect to see in this situation since you haven't been here for long , i will let snape take over once i'm finished with potter, weasley and granger.. you may stand outside." she said giving one last glare at the trio before watching me exist the room.

i tried hard to listen to there conversation but it was hard since the room was so big and they was being quite.

i was about to give up when i heard harry speak

"it was malfoy.. not y/n, draco.." harry said in a hushed voice so i couldn't hear but in fact i could hear every single word he said.

i didn't think when i heard harry say it was draco, the one thing i couldn't stand was when people messed with draco, he's my brother and my bestfriend and as much as i love harry, draco could get into loads of trouble for what he thought was true.

i slammed open the door and stared right at harry.

everyone's eyes was on me.

"what the fuck? why the hell would draco give an innocent girl a cursed necklace?!" i shouted which made harry look at the floor like he did when we first met.

"miss malfoy!" McGonagall shouted while glaring at me

"answer me harry i beg you, please i would love to hear why he would like to hurt her!" i shouted which made ron flinched at my sudden voice change

"snape please can you take y/n to the common room to calm down, we do not allow that foul language at hogwarts" McGonagall said calmly but was obviously angry

i took one last look at the trio, hermione was stunned and and she looked sorry for me, ron was also stunned at my sudden reaction and harry was just staring at the floor in disappointment. as he should.

i turned on my heel and let snape follow me out the door.

snape and i was walking back to common room until he stopped me outside of it

"what was you thinking malfoy, a cursed necklace?!" snape said with disappointment in his voice

"you wasn't the one who was chosen so don't get involved" i replied back muttering the password so the picture opened

"i sworn to protect both of you, if you don't be careful you could get caught and i could die.." he said before turning on his heel and walking away back to the trio and McGonagall.

all i wanted to do was speak to draco and sleep... oh and work on the cabinet to get this all over with...

long time since i updated but hey :D

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