chapter twenty-two

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y/n's pov:

once i left harry i went straight to the hospital wing to make sure draco was okay.

i entered to see Madam Pomfrey talking to snape about what happened in the bathroom.

once they saw me they instantly stopped talking to look at me.

"could i see him?" i asked, Madam Pomfrey's nodded at me in response.

"actually miss malfoy, could i speak to you for a second?" snape asked which i nodded my head before we existed the room

"is it ready?" he asked with his usual normal straight face not showing any emotions

"yes professor.." i replied looking at the floor scared that he might make me go to dumbledore alone.

"dracos lucky i was there before his injuries got worse, he should be out by then" he said before turned around to walk off down the corridor.

once he was gone i went back in the hospital wing to see draco.

Madam Pomfrey was helping another kid that was there.

once i got to his bed he was lying on his back looking up at the ceiling lifeless

"hey, how do you feel?" i asked sitting down in the seat next to his bed

"like shit.." he responded not bothering to look at me

"snape spoke to me, he said you was lucky that he was there and that you should be out ready by tonight" i said still watching him stare up at the ceiling.

he shut his eyes and took a deep breath then turned to face me.

"okay.." he said facing me with a half hearted smile on his face. a smile of reassurance that everything will be okay but deep down we both knew that after this night our lives would completely change. we will become loyal to the dark lord and be classed and a loyal follower.

later tonight:

it was later tonight and both draco and i was on our way to the astronomy tower where dumbledore was.

we climbed all the stairs until we got to the door.

draco turned to me,

"i'm sorry-" he said before he opened the door and shut it on my face and used some dark magic to make the door shut and only answer to him.

fuck you draco for being so smart.

i banged on the door yelling to let me in but he didn't listen.

"draco! i swear to god let me in!" i shouted banging on the door.

i didn't care if i would get noticed right now but i cared that he would be the one to kill dumbledore and not draco, i caused him enough pain..

draco's pov:

i shut y/n out.

i couldn't let her be apart of this mess, not any longer.

i entered to see dumbledore near the edge turning to face me

"Good evening, Draco. What brings you here on this fine, spring evening?" he asked in his usual sickly tone.

"Who else is here? I heard you talking." i asked sharply

"I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful. Have you been whispering to you yourself, Draco?" he asked stepping closer which made me pull out my wand. i didn't answer his question.

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