chapter twenty one

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y/n's pov:

when i said i wanted just to see draco and work on the cabinet it never happened.

draco and i must go to the hospital near the manor to see father and to be honest i really didn't want to see him and that's understandable...right?

draco and i took the portkey and ended up outside the hospital.

we both walked to the front desk where a small lady sat with extremely curly hair and dark skin

"excuse me, we're here to visit our father Lucius Malfoy.." draco said putting his elbows on the high desk in front of us.

she nodded then took out a big book full of names and door numbers and reached for her wand and scanned through the names.

"Lucius Malfoy.." she muttered while scanning through

"ah yes, number 37, it's down the hall on the left" she said before going back to what she was doing.

we nodded at the lady and walked towards the room.

once we got there we knocked on the door to see father in the bed looking life less with mother by his side on the chair next to him looking better then ever.

she got up and rushed us outside the room to talk to us before we entered

"you will go in one at a time, draco he wants to speak to you first" she said before opening the door to let him in while mother stayed outside looking at me with disappointment in her eyes.

"why potter?" mother asked getting straight to the point. i looked away ashamed of what i feel, i love harry but i cant have him.

"do you like him because you can't have him or is this a stupid game to you" she said with tears in her eyes.

i said nothing again feeling to down and a disappointment to say anything.

"he isn't afraid to kill us y/n.. were just a follower to him nothing else.." she said with scared in her voice, yet again i didn't say anything but just stared at her.

i remember in year 4 i wouldn't of been afraid to say anything about anyone i would talk back and get my own way but this year i feel useless and don't see the point.. im a doormat...

"answer me y/n!" she raised her voice which made me flinch

"i don't know.." is all i could say, i felt tears prick in my eyes i couldn't hold it in anymore.

i'm sick and tired of being a disappointment in the family i do one thing wrong and everything over

"i've never felt so ashamed, i alway tried to see the good in you.. but it was never there" she said before turned around to face the door but never opening it

"you can go, we don't need you here" she said before opening the door.

it felt so real and so horrible but i knew it was fake when i awoke with sweat dripping off my face.

let's just say it went something like that but it wasn't mother who was mad, she was trying to calm him down draco on the other hand sat there and didn't bite back.. he knew he was in enough trouble.

i was about to freshen up when i felt a body near mine.

i looked over and saw tewkesbury's fast asleep in the bed.

i moved quietly around him to my dresser to get changed into some clothes.

i didn't feel like sleeping and i knew draco was wide awake working on the cabinet.

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