chapter nineteen

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harry's pov:

i was on my way to the slytherin common room to see y/n.

ron told me the password from ages ago and luckily ron still had one of her ties.

i was deep in thought when i felt a small body crash into mine.

i looked down to see y/n with a bruise on both cheeks just below her eyes.

"y/n? what happened?" i asked with serious tone.

"huh?" she asked looking at me with confused eyes until her eyes went big and took a step back from me

"y/n...-" i started to say when i cut myself off

"did Tewkesbury do that?" i asked stepping closer to her examining the marks with my index finger

"what? of course not! Tewkesbury isn't like that at all, i tripped and fell and landed on something hard.. i don't really remember to be honest." she said looking into my eyes.

i started at her cheek for a little longer trying not to get lost in them grey eyes.. but i knew i would anyways. we started at each other with my hand still on her cheek.

her platinum blond hair was covering a part of her face but you could still see her beautiful features from a mile away.

i could imagine her being in my arms and just starting at her while she smiled and asks what she's staring at and we would just talk about the dark times and both get through it together...

...oh my god, what the fuck just happened

y/n's pov:

once i made up a lie harry just stared at me in a awe.

i wouldn't mind it normally but he starred for far to long and it started making me guilty and self-conscious.

"i would love to stay and talk but i have to find my brother.." i said which made him snap back into reality

"that's fine.. but later hermione, ron and i are going for a butter beer at the three broomsticks, you should come.." he said walking off before i could make excuses like i always did whenever they spoke to me

once he left and was far out of sight i went to find draco in the room of requirement to talk to him.

once i got in i saw draco stood in front of the cabinet examining it until he heard me enter which made him jump but his expressions soon changed when he realised it was just me.

"how long have you been working on this?" i asked standing next to him.

"all night.." he said casually like it's fine just to stay up all night to repair some stupid cabinet.

"all night?! draco you need sleep and not spend your whole life on this damn cabinet, it's going to be our last year at hogwarts, live free while you can!" i said sounding a bit heartless but all he does is stay on here and fix the cabinet.

i watched dracos face expressions changed into shock but soon just laughed at my comment which made me feel small

"whole life on the cabinet? i'm sorry y/n but once this cabinet is done death eaters will enter and yo- we will have to kill dumbledore and then soon we will be working for the dark lord..." he said taking a step closer to me to look more threatening but i knew he would never hurt me

"but- i started to say when i was cut off by draco who was not finished..

" think once we done that we will be free huh?.. he said stopping in his tracks to stare at me. i shook my head

...exactly our life's won't be the same so stop acting like everything's so perfect, your just in love with potter so of course you think it is" he said glaring at me with his dark gloomy eyes

"what! if you called me here to talk about my Amortentia then i'm leaving!" i shouted which made his expression change into a confused one.

"just tell me the truth! did you smell potter!" he said getting impatient

"it's not any of your concern.." i said glaring back at him.

"it is y/n! i'm your brother i need to protect you!" he shouted louder then i expected

"but it's not your job to draco! it never has been! you think you help me but you don't at all! all you ever care about is your reputation 'draco malfoy, the prince of slytherin' i shouted, his expressions changed to hurt and this time he didn't bother hiding it.

"you can't protect me when your the one hurting me..." i said as tears prickled in my eyes but i knew this was more for the fact he didn't care rather then being angry.

i didn't wait for him to say anything. he was probably speechless anyways.  instead i just left without a word until i got to the door.

"and draco.. i'm going to three broom sticks with potter, weasley and granger bring the necklace and sit at another table and when someone goes to bathroom follow.." i said turning around to face him.

he nodded.. this isn't going to end well...

Tewkesbury pov:

i woke up the next day with a headache but soon realising that y/n wasn't here.

i got up and went to the bathroom to get ready to go to hogsmeade with blaise.

when i came out i saw a small piece of parchment in the empty bin..

i shouldn't probably snoop but something was telling me to look at it

i picked it out of the bin and opened it up and sat on the edge of y/n's bed to read it.

my worst fear kicked in.. she was in love with someone else.

hello! i'm so sorry this part will be extremely boring but i promise it will get better soon! i also want to know if you would like a shorter story or longer, please comment so i know!! :)

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