chapter one

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                                meeting them

y/n's pov:

today was the day i will be going to hogwarts.
draco always wanted me to go with him since first year. we always planned to try and get me expelled from Beauxbatons so i could go to Hogwarts instead.
when mother and father found out i was expelled they was furious. they said the only option was to go to Hogwarts with draco.
i finished getting ready and went down a couple flights of stairs and ate some toast before i left. draco was already at school since it was near the end of year and haven't found out the news about me coming to, which will be a surprise for him.

once i finished, my mum lead me over to the fireplace, since i was travelling by floo powder. i said my goodbyes and dropped the floo powder in the fireplace.

dracos pov:

apparently tonight was a special night a new student was coming to hogwarts. i didn't know who it was but i hope it was a hot girl so pansy would stop clinging to me. the sorting hat was soon brought in and a stool was placed in the front of the professors table. when umbridge stood up the talking soon died down, and everyone turned there heads to look at her.

"as you all have been informed a new student will live at Hogwarts for the next 3 years. please welcome y/n malfoy" she finished as the big doors to the great hall was realised open

as soon as i heard y/n name, my eyes widened and a small smirk appeared on my face. nice one y/n only took you 4 years. everyone snapped there heads towards me and small whisperes erupted.
y/n walked towards the front of the room and she turned her head towards me and smirked back. she turned her head back as soon as she was near the front.

she sat on the stool and the sorting hat was placed on her head. the hat slightly touched the top of her head

"slytherin!" the hat shouted causing the slytherin table to clap and cheer.

y/n's pov:

when the hat made up its mind i walked over to draco and sat next to pansy, draco told me to be friends with her since she's the only apparently nice slytherin, she smiled at me when i sat down.

"hello stranger" i said while the food appeared on the table

"why didn't you owl me you was coming?" draco replied putting some food on his plate.

"thought it could it be surprised" i replied back smiling at him. he hated showing his emotions in public for some reason he always looked so emotionless when we was in public but really he is really nice, unless your a muggle born.

"holy shit dude you didn't tell me you had a sister" goyle added while stuffing his face with chicken wings.

"you have been round my house loads of times how haven't you noticed me?" i replied looks puzzled. he saw me before even said hello to me?

"i thought you was the maid or something" he replied picking up his pumpkin juice.

"and i thought you was nice and had table manners, guess were both wrong" i replied not caring if i sounded bothered. goyle put his hands up on the air to act like he had surrendered

pansy turned to me and smiled "so do you know who is giving you a tour round the school?"
i looked at draco knowing he won't like the response.

"uh yeah" i replied giving her a weak smile back.

"who is it?" draco asked me looking concerned

"harry potter" i replied. dracos automatically looked mad.

"im not letting you go round school with potter" he spat, getting looks from harry, hermione and ron.

"he's only showing me round school it's not like he had a choice." i spat back.

"fine whatever, just tell me if he does something goes wrong"

time went by and i was told to wait outside the great hall doors for harry, he probably doesn't want to speak to me since i'm a slytherin and dracos sister.

he was walking out of the hall with two other people, draco told me that they was hermione and ron, they was all laughing and joking but quickly stopped when they saw me.

"uh i forgot, i am meant to be showing y/n around today" harry said giving hermione and ron apologetic looks, they obviously had plans and i ruined it.

harry looked over to me and gave me a weak smile and whispered to ron snd hermione. they walked off and harry walked over to me.

"uh professor mcgonagall told me to show you around" harry said looking at his shoes, if i was harry i would do that same i mean he is talking to his bully's sister.

"look, i know i'm a malfoy and a slytherin but i'm not that bad you have to stare at your shoes" i laughed trying to make it less awkward, he lifted his head up and laughed with me
"well i should start showing you around"

after showing harry showed me around we stayed in the astronomy tower laughing and joking around, if draco found out he would probably hate me but i couldn't care less.

harry was a nice person and didn't treat me any different because of being "malfoys sister". i honestly couldn't see why draco could hate harry he's honestly the nicest person.

a few more minutes passed and we layed down on the dusty hard floors looking up at the ceiling, we didn't speak it but it wasn't awkward at all.

"i never thought ill picture myself laughing and joking in the astronomy tower with malfoys sister" harry said breaking the silence.

"hey i'm not that bad" i replied sitting up and knocking him with my elbow

"we should start getting back before umbridge finds us" harry replied standing and sticking his hand out for me to grab, i took it and he pulled me up.
harry insisted that he walked me back to my common room incase someone stopped us.

when we got to the common room we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

harry's pov:

once i left to go back to my common room i couldn't stop thinking about how much she isn't like her brother or her family.

when i got back to the common room, hermione and ron was sitting on the sofa.

"well?" hermione asked closing her book to face me, i walked over to the opposite sofa and sat down

"she isn't like her brother at all, we should tell her."

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