chapter twenty-four

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y/n's pov:

a day went by and father still didn't speak to me but i didn't really care.

nothing really happened i only had a meeting with the dark lord and snape.

they told me that i would be on the look out for any trouble in hogwarts and to make sure that everyone does as they was told.

i wasn't happy of how it turned out but it could of been worse.

i was packing all my stuff for hogwarts when i heard a knock at my door.

"come in!" i yelled on the floor trying to zip up my suitcase.

"hey, got everything packed?" draco asked stepping into my dorm.

"yes but this stupid case isn't zipping up!" you yelled and pushed it towards draco out of anger

"let me help you.." draco replied calmly kneeling down to zip it up.

draco had big bags under his eyes and his hair was greasy. He also was still in his pyjamas. He didn't care about his appearance at the moment all he did was stay in his room and watched muggle tv.once he was done he picked it up and placed it on my bed.

i stood up brushing myself off and went over to the mirror to see if i looked as worse as draco did.

to my surprise i didn't look as bad.. i had small bags under my eyes however i added some light makeup so it wasn't as noticeable.

i wore my hair up in a high ponytail and already had my robes on since i was apparting to school.

once i was done i went over to draco said my goodbyes and gave him a hug.

father was on a "mission" while mother went to get some more muggle tea that she loved so i didn't say goodbye to them.

i knew i wouldn't see draco and tewkesbury for a while but i felt like i needed to be on my own and build myself back up, i wasn't going to let anyone bring me down.

i said my last goodbyes to tewkesbury and draco before apparting to hogwarts.

"y/n.. your early" snape said looking down at me with confused eyes

"you said you needed help with the first years so i came early" you replied putting your belongings on where you normally put them before they get put in your room.

a few weeks later:

everything at hogwarts was gloomy, no one spoke to me but that's the way i wanted it.

the first years would sometimes try and sneak out past curfew to send letters to their family to let them come home but i stayed up most of the night in the common room so i made sure they never got out.

none of the gryffindor's spoke to me nor look my way but i sometimes heard ginny weasley whispering about me to dean and seamus.

i eat dinner alone and then escorted the first years back to the common room.

i was walking back to the great hall to speak to snape when i saw a death eaterabout to use a curse on neville.

i instantly ran over to them

"hey! leave...go, i want to be the last to finish him.." you smirked and looked at Neville's frightened face.

the death eater smirked back;

"as you command mrs tewkesbury.." he replied walking down the corridor.

i grabbed onto Neville's wrist and went to the first place i knew.. the room of requirement.

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