chapter six

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                               facing fears

y/n's pov:

after me and draco was called down, we gave each other a "dont panic and stay calm look" when we both was freaking out anyways. i grabbed dracos hand as we walked down the manor stairs to reassure that everything will be okay, but no one knew that but its easier to tell someone or show someone that then believe it yourself.

when we made it down mother gave us a sympathetic look but it's her fault that we're in this situation.
"the door on the on the left" mother said with a hurt expression taking over her face, we both looked away and walked towards to door.

draco let go of my hand and knocked on the door and entered

"ah y/n, draco take a seat" voldemort said, his voice aching our ears and the look of him blinding us.

we sheepishly walked over to the table and took a seat.

"has your mother told you why i'm here?" he asked looking at both me and draco.

"partly sir" draco replied making an effort to be "liked" or be classed as a "follower". 

"well, i suppose it's better to show you then tell you" he said peering at draco one last time to face me.

"y/n, stand" he said standing up walking behind me, i felt a rush of panic fly threw my body. i knew what he was going to do. draco watched in a awe, looking panicked and angry at the same time.

voldermort grabbed my arm and lifted my jumper sleeve up, raising his wand.

i don't remember the next part.

i only remember the pain in my arm and the look on dracos scared face. i couldn't tell if he was crying or not but he was staring directly at my arm.

once he finished doing whatever he was doing he let go of my arm, all my strength was on him holding my arm.

i felt my body fall lowly. time stopping, my body was numb, i was numb. i couldn't feel anything. the only thing i felt was the pain in my arm.

i dropped on the floor bringing my arm to my chest in a way to protect it.

i saw draco rise from his seat. it was his turn. i couldn't let this happen but mother and father would be disappointed and i was to weak to move.

i watched him wriggled in discomfort and i watched as his face expressions changed every 5 seconds, pain, anger, sadness and fear.

i watched as draco fell to the floor way faster then me.

me and draco didn't say a word, probably from it happening so fast or the fact we was basically just tortured. probably both.

i looked up at the dark lord who was towering over draco and i.

"now, we will have a meeting in a few weeks time. i suggest you get some rest" he says peering at draco one last time before looking at me.

"welcome tiny tom" he says still peering at me. he always called me tiny tom but no one ever knew.

i was afraid of what would happen.

when he left i managed to gain the strength to lift myself and draco up from laying down to leaning on the dark walls.

"tiny tom?" draco asked holding his arm.

"he calls it me because apparently i remind him of tom riddle." i replied pulling my sleeve up to see the ugly mark that will be imprinted on my skin

when i saw it reality hit again. harry would hate me and now that i'm caught feelings it will brake me even more, i felt tears start fogging in my eyes but i wouldn't let that get to me. i'm a malfoy i can hold emotions. i've been doing it my whole life, and so has draco.

this chapter was very short, this was just to show the fear of voldermort to y/n and draco and also they are now his "followers" i hope your enjoyed this chapter!!

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