chapter thirteen

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y/n's pov:

i was walking along the river bank smiling and laughing by myself in the muggle world.

i started running and suddenly i got this dark feeling that someone was watching me. my arm burned and when i looked down the hideous mark was glowing and bright red, my smile instantly faded.

i touched it with my index finger and examined it.

once i was done i put my sleeve back down and went to carry on walking when i saw a dark figure staring down at me.

you couldn't see it's whole body but by the eyes i knew who it was..

the eyes belonged to voldermort.

i gasped and tried to run when a spell hit me and i fell to the floor in slow motion.

i instantly shot up. i was a hot mess and my sheets was sticking to me. another nightmare

i went to use to bathroom when i heard a knock at the door.

it was probably pansy coming back late from speaking to draco or something but when i looked in her bed she was fast asleep.

"it's only me y/n, let me in" hermione said knocking on the door again. how did she get into the slytherin dorms?

i went over to the door and stepped out and closed it behind me so i wouldn't been seen if pansy awoke.

"who's Viscount Tewkesbury?" she asked getting straight to the point.

"what?" i asked a bit confused to why she would ask at 2am in the morning.

"apparently him and dr- malfoy tried to get him you" she said playing with a strand of hair nervously.

"tell harry i said i'm sorry i'll speak to draco tomorrow" i said not knowing what to say

"y/n, can i ask you something.." hermione asked stepping closer to me so no one could hear

"sure" i replied nervously.

she was about to speak when Tewkesbury's voice was heard from downstairs in the common room.

i instantly put my hand over hermione mouth so she couldn't talk. she didn't move or say anything since she heard it too.

"i can't see why she doesn't just love me for me and not through forced love.." Tewkesbury voice rang

"she will we just have to get potter out the way.." draco voice replied. oh no..

i let go off hermione out of shock and tried to figure out what was going on until i looked back at hermione with a big smirk on her face.

"just wait till potions to see what her potion smells like and it it does smell like potter then we can do it." dracos voice said coldly.

hermiones smirk dropped when he said that out of shock or fear for her friend.

luckily father payed umbridge to let me and draco have another spare room incase our dorm mates was annoying us.

i motioned hermione to follow me to the spare room and she did.

when we go it i shut the door and did a silencer spell.

"what will malfoy do to harry y/n..." hermione asked with scared in her voice.

"i don't know hermione but i won't let it happen.. i promise" i replied back, this was more of a promise to myself.

"y/n... do you like harry?" hermione asked with a smile on her face.

i think it was time to open up. but i can't..

"hermione he's great and everything but-" i was cut off when hermione stood up and spoke;

"y/n it's a normal thing to love someone..." hermione told me but her words was like a blur and everything was spinning.

i fell slowly through the air, when i hit the ground all i could think about was the task, draco and harry...

hello this is just a small one since it's my birthday today but thank you for reading make sure to comment and vote :)

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