chapter twenty-five

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y/n's pov:

once we was our the door the brooms fell to the ground out of impact which made us fly off of them.

i fell to the ground but soon got up when i saw draco laying there not moving.

i walked over to him to see a lump and blood on his head from where he fell.

"draco.." i said carefully shaking him but he did not respond nor move.

i grew anxious i just lost tewkesbury and i couldn't lose my brother.

"draco!" i said a little bit louder and shaking him harder but again he did not respond nor move.

i heard movement behind me where the trio got up and saw me over dracos lifeless body shaking him.

"please no! i cant lose you!" i shouted while tears streamed down my face, i shook him harder then gave up and rested my head on him stomach.

"y/n.." i heard hermiones voice next to me while i felt harry's hand on my shoulder.

i sobbed longer until i felt movement from underneath me which made me straighten up and look at him.

i looked down and him while he looked up at me smiling;

"you can't get rid of me.. not yet" he said before embracing me with a hug.

i went to turn to the trio but they was gone and no where to be seen...

"draco, we need to help them" i said to him as he sat up.

"i know.." he replied before we both shot up to find the trio

we spent ages looking for the trio but we couldn't find them in the castle.

the death eaters was made to retreat but draco and i stayed here since we was not called.

we sat on some stairs waiting for whatever is going to happen next.

harry's pov:

i said my goodbyes to ron and hermione before making my way to voldermort.

on my way i saw my mother, my father, Sirius, Lupin and tewkesbury?

they all spoke to me one by one and then i saw him. voldermort..

"the boy who lived.. come to die" he said before raising his wand before shooting the killing curse at me.

Narcissa's pov:

"the boy.. is he dead?" bellatrix asked.

i walked closer to his body and crouched down beside him.

"are they alive?" i whispered which he nodded.

"do you love her?" i asked again which he nodded.

i stood back up and faced the death-eaters


y/n's pov:

draco went to speak to madam Pomfrey about his cut so i stayed on the stairs..

i saw people move towards the front of hogwarts which i followed..

that's when i saw it... bellatrix, the dark lord, mother and father and harry's dead body..

"no.." i whispered but only ginny heard me..

"harry potter... is dead!" voldermort shouting with a happy tone while the death eaters laughed.

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