chapter twelve

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y/n's pov:

i just want to say that i love pansy so much she seems like a sweet/ broken person but the story much go on

once me and draco had our mini argument i went to go look for pansy.

she didn't write to me over the summer since draco broke up with her so i hoped we would still be friends.

i seen her in a compartment with a table along with another person which was the one and only Blaise Zabini.

when Zabini saw me outside the compartment, he gave me a small smile while made me enter.

pansy was facing the window.

"hey pansy, you didn't write over the summer how are you?" i asked taking a seat next to her and flashing Zabini a small smile.

"i'm good." she said replying short. she looked like she hasn't slept in days and her hair was a mess.

"it's about draco isn't it.. look i'm so sor-" i was cut of from pansy standing up towering over me

"i said i'm fine y/n. i think you should just go back to draco." she said through gritted teeth.

"i tried to get him to stay with you pansy i'm on your side." i said standing up. i felt bad for pansy she was nice girl but sometimes anger got the best of her.

"didn't you fucking hear me malfoy. i'm trying to be nice here. i. don't. like. you. fuck off" she said going red and sitting back down on the seat and staring back out the window.

i was stunned and so was Zabini, i felt my heart shatter. i couldn't be friends with harry, hermione, ron and now pansy hates me. i knew i wouldn't cry not in-front of her not ever.

"you know what pansy. i was being nice and i actually stuck up for you and you treat me like this just because i'm related to draco. i get it he broke up with you but don't treat me like shit for his actions." i said picking up my bag.

"she doesn't mean it, come on y/n.." Zabini said standing up. i just wanted to leave. i slammed the door and went to find an empty compartment.

draco's pov:

"so what are we going to do about him?" Tewkesbury
asked not knowing he was above us.

i put my finger to my lips for him to be quite which is he did out of confusion.

i tilted my head up so he could know what i'm on about and he did.

we both waited for the train to stop and for people to leave to confront potter.

Tewkesbury shot a spell at him which made him fall off the railings onto the floor which made his invisibility cloak fall off.

"is harry potter spying on y/n's future husband. you jealous?" i asked towering over him. for some reason i felt powerless and for once i felt bad. but of course i wasn't going to say that.

"you listen to me and you listen good. stay the fuck away from her. you understand?" Tewkesbury added stepping closer and rested his foot on potters face.

harry nodded which made his foot press harder against his face. "use your words potter." Tewkesbury said still staring at him.

"yes" harry chocked out which made Tewkesbury take his foot away.

"come on let's go" Tewkesbury's said picking up his stuff.

"one second..." i went over to him and kicked him hard in the face. i wanted him to hurt like i did.

"did mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop potter." i said kneeling down on his level.

"oh wait she was dead before you could wipe the drool off your chin.." Tewkesbury added.

i put the cloak back over his head "enjoy your ride back to london.." i said leaving with Tewkesbury.

y/n's pov:

one thing about draco is that he is extremely bipolar.

one minute we would be getting on well and next we would be arguing like we did in the compartment, so i knew everything would be fine.

i was sitting on my own in the great hall watching the first years be sorted waiting for draco and Tewkesbury to come.

they was weirdly late which made me anxious.

once all the first years was sorted dumbledore stood to make his speech when i saw draco and Tewkesbury arrive.

they both saw me and walked towards me. draco sat opposite me while Tewkesbury sat next to me putting his arm around me.

i was shocked with his actions and so was draco by the look on his angry face, but soon turned into a smirk when his attention was drawn to harry opening the door with a tissue to his nose.

i followed him with my eyes when he walked to the gryffindor to be greeted by ron and hermione. i took a closer look and saw ginny weasley holding the tissue for him.

my heart sank. i loved harry and if it wasn't for my stupid mother and father none of this would of happened.

i soon looked back at draco and saw the smirk still on his face.

"draco.. you didn't do that did you?" i asked wriggling out of under Tewkesbury's arm to face him.

"yes, he was spying on us. it was creepy." draco replied taking a sip of his drink.

i decided i would brush it off and say sorry to harry tomorrow.

i realised how different hogwarts was going to be and i hated it knowing that this could possibly be the end.

heyy, so my birthday is very soon which is exciting and also you might all hate me since y/n might break a few hearts BUT NO MORE SPOILERS AND IF YOUR READING THIS MERRY CHRISTMAS

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