chapter fifteen

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y/n's pov:

days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and it was pure torture.

draco and i would lose a lot of sleep since we were working on that stupid cabinet in the room of requirement.

draco and i also came to terms and that we will be trying to kill dumbledore first before we let the death eaters enter the castle. we decided a cursed necklace should work best but we shouldn't hand it to him ourselves so as any other "selfish" person would do we would hand it over to a random person to give it to dumbledore. i feel like a bad person.

i didn't realise i was day dreaming in class until i heard Professor Slughorn call me name to stand.

"miss malfoy, can you please tell me what this potion is.." Slughorn said while taking a lid of a pot

i may not of been paying attention but i know my potions.. "it's an amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world, however it does not produce love that would be impossible but it smells what attracts you most." i replied while Slughorn looked impressed.

"very good.. could you please tell us what your potion smells like.." Slughorn said taking a step back as if i was going to curse him or something.

i nodded and walked towards the potion. i felt nervous since i was most likely going to smell harry or even Tewkesbury.

we grew closer once i decided i would stay away from harry but he isn't that bad however i still could not picture myself with him.

once i got to the potion, i took a deep breath and smelt it, my eyes widened. i was still in love with harry.

"now please share what you smell.." Slughorn said a little bit impatient.

"quidditch equipment, parchment and vanilla.." i said looking at draco with hurt eyes but quickly looked away.

i then snuck a look at harry who was getting a smirk by ron and hermione rolling her eyes at ron, what i would do to be in there friendship group.

i walked back over to draco who was speaking to crabbe and goyle but his attention was soon drawn back to me..

"we need to talk.." he said coldly then turning back around to carry on like nothing happened


after class:

after class i decided i would read a book that i found in the back of the library in malfoy manor.

i made sure no one was in the common room since it was during dinner and sat down on the leather black sofa which was opposite the flaming fire and began to read

i was deep in my book when i heard the picture door open.

i turned around to see dracos frail figure in the doorway.

i shut my book and turned around to get a better look at draco.

he was white as a ghost and his hair was a mess.

"draco? what's wrong?" i asked worriedly walking towards him where he was froze in his spot.

draco didn't reply. in fact he just grabbed my wrist and started pulling me towards the library

a few people stared but instantly look away when they saw the cold glare draco gave them.

"draco, slow down!" i shouted but he didn't stop nor answer me.

his grip tightened around my wrist.

"draco your hurting me stop!" i shouted but yet again he didn't stop nor answer me.

i decided to stop fighting which made his grip loosen.

when we was both stood in the library he let go off my wrist and locked the door and turned to face me.

"mother gave me a portkey, we need to get to the manor now." draco said as he looked like he just saw a ghost.

"why?" i asked confused and scared about what is going to happen

"fathers home."

hello, i'm sorry this is so short and to leave you all on a cliffhanger BUTTT i will be updating soon but if i don't i will be trying to by new year's eve/day ily <3

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