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Hi guys.

I know it's been a while. My life is a little crazy and it's super hard to find time to write. I apologise for the long wait, however, I will always continue updating, even if it takes ages. If you don't have any updates for a while it doesn't mean I've stopped, it just means I simply do not have the time.
I will always continue to update and I will let you guys know if I ever plan to stop, so if you don't hear anything, please just wait. An update will come.

I promise.

Also, people are complaining about not seeing enough of Indianna and Greyson. I get that you want more of them, but please understand that I need to show the other characters and what's happening with them so the story flows and you understand what's happening with everyone. If I just showed everything from Indianna and Greyson's POV lots of information would be missed about other characters and you would have no idea what's going on:). This story is no longer JUST about Indie and Greyson, it includes everyone and while Indie and Greyson are the main characters, there are other characters with their own small storylines to include. But don't worry, you still will see Indie and Greyson!:)

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, even if you weren't able to spend it with all of your loved ones because of COVID.

There probably won't be an update for a while. I am a student paramedic and in three weeks I start my placement on the ambulances. Working for the NHS during a pandemic is obviously a lot and I will need to prioritise my work, my degree, and my health and wellbeing.  This degree is one of the main reasons why I'm taking so long to update, it's a lot of work and takes up a lot of my time. I really want to write the next update soon as I'm so excited to get to the next part of the story, but I'm not a speedy writer and I need to focus on the real word first.

I hope you understand:)

Stay safe everyone and enjoy the update, thank you for sticking with me x


The next day Greyson woke early. He left Indianna sleeping peacefully and went downstairs to prepare some breakfast for him and Indianna. It was quiet, the pack members who had returned to the house yesterday had all gone to school. Once he was done he walked back to his room, picking up the post that was lying on the floor by the front door on the way. Indianna yawned when he returned to the room and opened her eyes, looking up at Greyson sleepily. She smiled when she saw him carrying two trays of food.

"This is a lovely sight," Indianna said sleepily and sat up, taking a tray from Greyson when he passed it to her. She looked hungrily at the steaming hot food in front of her.

"Bon appetite," Greyson said and sat down next to Indianna who was already eating. He chuckled and flicked through the letters that had been delivered in the post. There was one with his name written on the envelope. When he opened it he saw that it was from Lily. There was lists of names and whereabouts for all of Rogue's men.

"What's that?" Indianna asked through a mouthful of scrambled egg.

"It's from Lily, Harry's sister," Greyson said. "It's the details on Rogue's men."

"That's brilliant," Indianna said. "I still can't believe Harry's sister is alive."

"Yeah. She's a bundle of joy," Greyson said with a roll of his eyes.

"Must run in the family," Indianna said sarcastically.

Greyson scoffed and scanned the list of Rogue's men. "I'll go through this later with Ace, Harry, and Oscar. We need to come up with a plan of action. If we start kidnapping a bunch of Rogue's men then he'll realise. We need to do this carefully."

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