XXXVI- Preparations

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Later that day Indianna was in the kitchen with Laura, Kirstie and Mac. There was a comfortable silence as the four of them peeled and chopped vegetables. No one wanted to discuss the reason for why they were preparing dinner. The thought of Rogue sitting at the table, surrounded by her friends and family made Indianna feel sick.

The silence was soon broken when Kal arrived, barging through the door with his arms full of shopping bags. Kimberly followed behind him and they placed numerous bags full of groceries onto the dining table.

"Normally," Kal said, looking at the food with narrowed eyes, "the sight of all this food would make me very happy, however, I'm currently very unhappy. For the first time in my life I am not looking forward to Christmas dinner. Damn Rogue. He's a maniac and now he's a bloody Scrooge as well."

"Thank you, Kal," Laura called, reaching into one of the bags and pulling out ingredients. "And you too, Kim. We should have enough food now."

"Don't worry if you haven't. I'd happily starve if it means Rogue is out of here quicker tonight," Kal grumbled.

"Kal, sweet, we get it. You don't want Rogue here. No one does, stop moaning and suck it up." Kimberly placed her hand on Kal's arm and gave him a look. "We haven't got a choice."

"God, woman, let me complain!" Kal groaned but he grabbed Kimberly's hands and pulled her closer, kissing her cheek affectionately.

"Let's stop the moaning for now, yeah?" Kimberly suggested.

Kal's eyebrows raised and he smirked. "For now?"

Kimberly glared at Kal and hit his chest. "Shut up, you idiot and do something useful."

"Do as your mate says!" Kirstie called. "You can start peeling the potatoes."

Kal made a face. "I consume food. I don't make it."

Kirstie rolled her eyes and pointed to an empty kitchen surface. "Get working, Kalum!"

"What about her?" Kal complained, pointing at Kimberly. "Make her work too!"

"You're such a child," Kimberly said and shook her head. "And I'm going to help. I'll take over from Indianna."

Indianna looked over her shoulder, eyebrow raising. "I'm fine, Kim."

"No, you're pregnant and shouldn't be standing up for long periods of time," Kimberly said sternly. "Go and rest."


"She's right, dear," Laura interjected. "You've had a busy day already and tonight is probably going to be stressful. You need to relax while you can. For your health and the babies."

"But we have so much food to prepare-"

"We can get others to help," Kirstie called, her voice stern. "You're outnumbered, Indie. Get your butt out of here. You are carry my niece and nephew and I won't have you straining yourself."

Indianna held her hands up in surrender and stepped backward. "You guys win," she said but she found herself smiling at the thought of how many people cared. "I'll go and rest."

Kimberly grinned smugly and squeezed Indianna's arm when she walked past her. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling good," Indianna said honestly. "Thank you, Kim."

Indianna left the kitchen and exited the pack house. She spotted Harry and Brooke who were sitting on a bench, deep in conversation. Brooke's eyes were red and cheeks puffy, but she was smiling at something Harry had said.

Indianna wanted to wrap Brooke in bubble wrap and protect her from the night that was to come, but she knew she couldn't. Instead, Indianna looked away from Harry and Brooke and went down into the cells underground to where she could hear voices. Some familiar, some not.

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