XL - Wish For Death

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"If I'd have known that talking to Brooklyn would change your mind then I would have suggested you do that as soon as you started to disagree with me."

Indianna scowled at Greyson who smirked at her as she approached him. "Shut up."

Greyson reached out and took Indianna's hand, pulling her towards him. "Thank you," he murmured.

"I'm still annoyed," Indianna grumbled and looked down at her feet, glaring.

"Hey." Greyson took Indianna's chin and tilted her head up. "Please don't be. You're keeping yourself and our children safe. That's the most important thing. Don't scowl at me, sugar."

"You're important."

Greyson smiled and kissed Indianna's forehead affectionately. "God, I love you, woman."

Karl suddenly yelled from across the room. "They're here! Fucking hell, you took your time, lads! It's not like we're waiting for a psychopath to come and kill us or anything!"

"You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you?" Harry groaned, but made his way over to where Kal was now standing, over the hole in the ground that led to the tunnel. Familiar brown hair popped up from the floor and Ace emerged, helping up Tai whose face was blank, blood stained her clothes.

"Wait here," Ace murmured to her and reached down into the hole, helping Gareth - one of Rogue's men they had managed to free - to lift up two unconscious men.

"I better go get everything ready to free them from Rogue's control," Greyson sighed. He looked at Indianna, his face serious. "Go and pack a bag, sugar."

Indianna gritted her teeth, so desperately wanting to say no. "Okay," she whispered.

"Thank you for your help, Gus," Ace was saying. "You better catch up with Oscar, Kirstie and Mac."

"Hopefully I'll be seeing you shortly with more men," Gareth said and disappeared back into the tunnel.

"You're going to have to show yourself sooner or later," Ace said into the tunnel. "Come on, we have work to do."

Raiden emerged from the tunnel next, followed by Brandon. Brooklyn, who was across the room, sat up straight, watching Brandon cautiously. Harry immediately tensed, eyes narrowed. His nose flared and anger clouded his mind.

"Harry!" Indianna called, her voice loud across the now silent room. Surprisingly, Harry turned his head ever so slightly, listening to her. "Go and help Greyson."


"Now, Harry!" Indianna ordered, raising her eyebrows challengingly at him.

Harry glowered at her but obeyed and swiftly left the room. Brandon sent Indianna a grateful look. "Brandon, you aren't to leave the side of those two men. If they start to gain consciousness then you tell Ace or Kal immediately. Tai, come with me." Tai was staring at the ground. Ace took her hand and she jumped, looking at him with wide eyes.

"What?" She muttered but Indianna noticed how she tightened her grip on Ace's hand.

"Indie is talking to you."

Tai blinked and looked across at Indianna.

"I assume you'd like to get cleaned up?" Indianna said softly. "Come with me."

"Go," Ace insisted, prying his fingers from Tai's grip. He gently nudged her in Indianna's direction.

Indianna could hear Tai following her as she left the basement. "We can't say too much. Rogue's men are surrounding us. They can hear everything when we're upstairs."

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