XLI- Day One

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Indianna was woken by Kal's snores, they were soft, but she had been struggling to sleep the whole night and now all she could focus on was Kal's heavy breathing. She sighed and turned over, trying to get comfortable which was rather hard with her bump. She was now looking at Greyson as he slept. He seemed so peaceful. His face was so calm and serene, she wished that he didn't have to wake up to the hell they were in.

Greyson's eye twitched and Indianna knew that he was no longer asleep. He reached out, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest, resting his chin on her head and one hand on her stomach. *It's early, sugar, you should be asleep, not perving on me while I sleep.*

Indianna chuckled slightly. *Sleep doesn't come easily these days.*

*Try,* Greyson pleaded. *It's 2am. You need your rest.*

*So do you.*

*I'm fine. I'm swapping watch duty with Oscar soon anyway.*

The rest of the previous day was spent waiting anxiously for Oscar, Kirstie and Mac to return with more of Rogue's men. They managed to bring back two more that were branded and freed from Rogue's control. They were then sent back out but would be ready at a moments notice to help defend the pack against Rogue. Now, the pack members were taking it in turns watching the grounds outside the pack house for any signs of an attack. The men that they had managed to free from Rogue's control had sworn they would mind link Greyson when they heard that Rogue was coming, but they weren't risking being caught unaware.

Indianna sighed and snuggled into Greyson's chest. *So, hold me until then.*

Greyson had left Indianna asleep on their mattress that they had brought down into the basement a few hours later. He dressed silently and made his way up into the house. Oscar was sitting outside on the front steps. Their exchange was silent, Oscar stood and let Greyson take over. Greyson sat down where Oscar had just been seated and his eyes scanned the trees. He was watching for any slight movement, listening for any footsteps or sounds.

An hour later he was still alert and he heard movement in the house. His dad, Mark, was taking over from Harry who had been keeping watch at the back of the house. Once Harry was downstairs in the soundproof basement there was silence again and Greyson continued to watch and listen. He didn't move, twitch or yawn for three more hours.

He sensed her before he felt her. Arms wrapped around his neck and soft lips kissed his cheek. Tingles filled Greyson's body and any tiredness he was feeling was wiped away from just one touch from Indianna. "Morning," she whispered.

Greyson leaned into her touch, reaching his hand up and tangling his fingers into her hair. He turned and pressed his lips to hers. He would never get bored of her lips. They were so soft and delicate. Every kiss felt like the first.

"How long do you have left?" Indianna asked.

"Half an hour."

"I'm going to help Laura with breakfast for everyone," she told Greyson. "Most people are still asleep."

"And why aren't you?"

"Because." Indianna walked in front of Greyson and took his hands, placing them on her stomach. He felt it move immediately and smiled at the thought of his children kicking. "They're making it impossible for me to lie still for more than half an hour."

"I'm sure you can forgive them," Greyson chuckled, spreading his fingers across her bump, feeling the imprint of a heel push on Indianna's stomach.

Indianna smiled. "Of course. I'll see you in half an hour."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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