XXX- Brooke's Secret

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Hi guys.

I'm very sorry for not updating any of my stories. I haven't actually been at home for the past month, I've been working away from home where there has been very limited WiFi and limited time to write.

I'm back now, and have lots more free time and better WiFi;)

Enjoy and I'll update soon.


Two hours earlier Brooke had been sitting opposite Alec in the kitchen. They were eating in silence. "I'm going to tell you something, but don't let it give you any false hope," Alec said suddenly. "I'm telling you because you deserve to know."

Brooke frowned. "What is it?"

"Your Alpha, Greyson. He's alive."

Brooke blinked. She dropped her cutlery in shock. "You're joking. I know you're siding with Rogue, but you're not a horrible person, Alec. This isn't something to lie about."

"I promise you, I'm not lying," Alec said. "He was never dead."

"Oh my gosh," Brooke whispered. She couldn't help but grin. "That's wonderful news! Indie is going to be so relieved! She was so scared about raising those babies alone. Oh gosh, this is amazing-"

"Yes, yes, it's all lovely!" Ben walked into the kitchen and rolled his eyes. "He'll get to see his children being born. He's lucky." Ben looked at Brooke and crossed his arms over his chest. "Harry won't be so lucky."

Brooke froze. "What?" She demanded. The joy she was feeling disappeared. "What?"

"I think it's time he finds out the truth, don't you?" Ben said. "It's the reason you're in this mess in the first place. You refused to let him into your head because you didn't want him to find something out."

Brooke paled. "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

Ben sighed. "Let's not lie, Brooklyn. How long have you been keeping it a secret for?"

Brooke wanted to be sick. "I..."

"You're pregnant?" Alec butted in. He suddenly stood up and glared at Ben. "You've made me keep a pregnant girl away from her mate! Do you have any idea how dangerous that is for the child-"

"Watch yourself, Alec. Remember it's me who controls your mate's life."

Brooke was in shock. She was holding her stomach. "He can't know," she whispered. "It would kill him."

"Oh, I'm hoping it does," Ben smiled. "I'm sure it would be awful for Harry, to know his mate is pregnant and to know that he will never ever see his child once it's born. Neither of you two will."

"No!" Brooke yelled. "I'm not letting you do anything to my baby!"

"You have no choice. This is all your fault, Brooklyn. You should have told him when you first found out."

Brooke's heart started to race. "No, no," she said and shook her head. "No, this can't be happening, this-"

"It is happening. And I promise you, it's going to be hell," Ben said with a sick smile.

Brooke felt like she wanted to faint. She wanted the ground to swallow her whole. She wanted Harry to hold her and make everything better.

Suddenly, the kitchen window shattered and Ben groaned. Brooke cried out when Ben fell to the floor. Blood started to ooze from Ben's head and it was then Brooke realised the arrow sticking out of his skull.

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