V- Rogue

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Thanks for the cover @Rated_EG ! I love it !


Indianna walked into school with Brooke, neither of them were in good moods today, but whereas it was obvious with Indianna, Brooke still tried to fake it and pretend she was fine.

I fell down the stairs- That was what Brooke was telling people if anyone asked why she had a black eye and her arm in the cast. I tripped and just fell, silly me, she was going to say.

Brooke had dark bags under her eyes, most of the people that lived in the pack house did. They had been kept awake the whole night by Brooke's screaming.

No one blamed her. She couldn't help her nightmares. She wasn't choosing to relive her darkest days.

Harry had been by Brooke's side the whole night. Comforting her when the nightmares finally woke her and calming her down.

Ace had gone to Greyson's room, limping slightly. His injuries were still healing. Greyson's room was where Indianna now slept, wrapped in one of his jumpers. She was wide awake, holding an envelope in her hand. Ace didn't question it when she hid it quickly under the pillow.

"Hey," he had said.

"Can't sleep?" Indianna asked, pushing her brown hair from her face.

Ace shook his head. "I wanted to ask you something," he said.

"Ask what?"

Ace took a deep breath. "Where is his grave?"

Indianna froze. Ace waited a few tense minutes before she turned to him. "It's not hard to miss," she said quietly. "It's in the back garden, under the oak tree."

"I wish I could have been there," Ace murmured. "At the funeral. I wish I could have seen him one last time."

"You wouldn't have wanted to see him," Indianna said, closing her eyes, trying to forget the last image she had of Greyson.

"I would, just one last look at my best friend-"

"No," Indianna said sharply. "Rogue... Rogue defiled him, Ace! He tore him to shreds! All that was left of Greyson was flesh and bones! You wouldn't have wanted to see him like that."

"But you did. You saw him like that."

"I didn't want to go," Indianna whispered. "As soon as I saw his body I fled. He was unrecognisable. I've not been to his grave since."

"I'm so sorry, Indie," Ace sighed. "I can't imagine what it's been like for you."

"I hope you never have to experience what I have. When you find your mate, you cherish her and love her more than you have ever loved anything in the world," Indianna said and looked up at Ace with teary eyes. "Promise me?"

"Of course," Ace promised.

"Indie!" Brooke said, breaking Indianna from her trance.

"S-sorry," Indianna said and shook her head. "I zoned."

"It's fine," Brooke smiled. "I'm sorry about last night. I feel awful for keeping everyone aw-"

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