VI- Punishment

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Another great cover ! Thank you so much @alysxc !


Indianna was sat in Greyson's office. She had just arrived back from talking to Rogue. She looked at the phone on the desk and sighed. She didn't want to call Janson and tell him his options. She didn't want him so say no and Rogue kill him and his entire pack.

Ace walked in, startling Indianna. "Sorry," he said and looked at Indianna seriously. "How did it go?"

"Rogue agreed," Indianna told him. "Now I need to get Janson to."

"That's good," Ace nodded. "What about your mother?"

Indianna shook her head. "I didn't ask. Once he agreed I wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible."

"That's understandable," Ace nodded. "Seeing him willingly... Indie, that was really brave."

"I don't feel brave," Indianna mumbled. "I'm too scared to call Janson."

"I'll do it," Ace said and winced as he lowered himself down on to the couch. "You've done the hard part. Let me help."

"Thank you," Indianna said quietly.

"You need to go and have dinner and go to bed. You look exhausted," Ace said softly.

"We're all tired and exhausted," Indianna said dismissively.

"It's not just you you're looking after," Ace said. "You need to take care of your baby."

"Our," Indianna said under her breath. "Mine and Greyson's."

Ace nodded sadly. He still couldn't accept his death. It hadn't settled in. Ace felt like he was going to see Greyson in a couple of days time but he knew he wouldn't. "Go, rest," Ace said.

"Once you've called Janson you rest too," Indianna said. "You're still healing."

"I'm fine," Ace said. "I'll let you know how it goes with Janson."

"Thank you," Indianna nodded and rose from the seat. She smiled at Ace as she walked out of Greyson's office and made her way to the staircase.


Laura called Indianna when she saw her walk past the kitchen. Laura was cooking something, it smelled divine, but Indianna didn't have much of an appetite these days.

Indianna stopped and looked at Laura. She hadn't seen her in a while so she slowly walked into the kitchen.

"Indie, my love," Laura said and hugged Indianna. "How are you?"

Indianna shrugged her shoulders and sat down on a chair.

"You don't look well, Indie," Laura frowned. "Have you been eating?"

Indianna nodded.

"How much?"

Indianna's hands went to her stomach. "Not as much as I should be. I can't stomach anything."

"Oh," Laura sighed. "Sit down. I'll dish you up some of this."


"Sit, Indie. I'm not only looking after you, but I'm looking after my grandson or granddaughter," Laura said and Indianna slid onto the seat at the counter. "How is Brooke doing? What happened... It was awful."

"She's not doing good," Indianna admitted. "She's faking it."

Laura sighed. "How are you doing?"

Indianna shrugged her shoulders. "Not any better."

"Have you... Have you been to his grave yet?"

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