XV- Gender

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Brooke had Indianna's hand, she squeezed it tightly. Indianna turned to her curly haired friend and smiled. "I don't know why I'm so nervous," Indianna admitted.

Brooke looked around the hospital waiting room. White floors, white ceilings and uncomfortable blue chairs. The light above them was flickering on and off. Brooke had always hated hospitals.

"I'd be surprised if you weren't nervous," Brooke said.

"Thank you for being here," Indianna said.

"What are best friends for," Brooke smiled. "Your bump's growing."

"People are going to find out soon," Indianna whispered. "I don't want to be the pregnant girl with the dead boyfriend."

"Screw what everyone else thinks," Brooke said. "Everyone that matters already knows the truth."

Indianna nodded. "You're right."

The girls sat in a comfortable silence for while, until Brooke sighed and looked at Indianna. "Can I ask a question?"

"Of course."

"Did you..." Brooke gulped. "Did you ever think about not keeping it?"

Indianna looked at her stomach, running her hands over her top. "I did. I thought about every option."

"How did you decide what to do?" Brooke asked slowly. "How do you know you made the right choice?"

"I didn't want to loose everything," Indianna said. "I had lost Greyson, and this baby is apart of him. I want to raise this baby to know that their father was a good man. An annoying, but good man. He deserves that."

Brooke looked to the ground. "Oh."

"Brooke," Indianna said slowly, "why did you ask? And don't say no reason, I know you better than that."

"I..." Brooke held her stomach. "I-"

"Indianna Hughes!"

Brooke stood up immediately and pulled Indianna over to the nurse who had emerged from a room. "Come inside," the nurse said and Brooke let Indianna walk in first.

"We're discussing that after," Indianna said to Brooke as she laid down on the hospital bed.

"Discussing what?" Brooke asked innocently.

"Hello, Indianna, I'm going to need you to lift up your top," the nurse said and once Indianna's bump was on show she squirted a cold jelly type substance onto it. "Let's have a look at baby, shall we?"

Indianna took a deep breath and nodded. Her heart was pounding.

"If the baby's anything like it's mother then it'll be fine," Brooke said confidently and stood next to Indianna, clutching her hand tightly.

"Is this your first?" The nurse asked.

"Yeah," Indianna said shakily.

"Is dad around?" The nurse wondered as she got her ultrasound prepared and pressed it to Indianna's stomach.

"Um... no," Indianna murmured. "Sadly he's not."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear," the nurse frowned.

"It's fine," Indianna said and forced a smile.

"Oh, I see her!" Brooke gasped and pointed to the screen of the ultrasound.

"Her?" The nurse said and smiled. "He's a baby boy."

Indianna's eyes widened. "A b-boy?" She whispered.

The nurse nodded. "See his head." The nurse pointed to the screen and Indianna gasped.

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