XI- Girl Talk

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Please stop saying how you're going to stop reading this book. I get that you're pissed Greyson is dead, but you can be pissed without being a right dickhead about it in the comments.



"I heard she kicked?" Kimberly called, walking into Harry's room where Indianna and Brooke were bundled under the covers of his bed, watching a cheesy girly film.

"She did," Indianna nodded and stopped the film.

Kimberly glanced at Brooke who was munching on some popcorn, Brooke always ate when she was stressed or worried. Kimberly was jealous of Brooke. She was jealous of Brooke's relationship with Indianna. The girls were best friends, they had been through so much together.

Kimberly hated how bubbly Brooke was. She was always happy, everyone seemed to love her.

"Is everything okay, Kim?" Indianna asked, noticing Kimberly's silence.

"How do you do it?" Kimberly asked, looking at Brooke.

"Excuse me?" said Brooke.

"How do you do it?" Kimberly repeated. "You're never down, you're always happy! You should be screwed up. You should be the bitch, not me. So much has happened to you yet you're still happy and you seem like there's nothing wrong! How do you do it?"

Brooke looked at Kimberly and sighed. "I don't do it," she said simply. "I pretend. I fake everything. I bottle it up and eventually I explode. Wait- don't tell Harry I said that."

"He knows what you're like, Brooke," Indianna said softly and took Brooke's hand.

"Doesn't mean I want to admit it," Brooke mumbled and ate some more popcorn.

"Do you want to join us, Kimberly?" Indianna asked.

"I... er-"

"Move your butt and sit," Brooke called and rolled her eyes.

"Are the sheets clean?" Kimberly wondered, raising her eyebrow.

"Yes," Brooke laughed. "Jheeze, I'm not that bad." Indianna gave Brooke a look and she blushed. "Come on, we don't do it a lot."

Kimberly scoffed and joined the two girls on the bed. "If you're not bickering you're fucking."

"Let's just watch the film," Brooke mumbled.

"Wait," Kimberly said. "How do you fake it?"

Brooke paused and frowned at Kimberly before smiling brightly. It seemed so real, so genuine. If Kimberly didn't know better then she would've thought Brooke was the happiest girl alive. "A smile deceives many people."

"You make it look so easy," Kimberly murmured.

"Practise," Brooke shrugged.

"Don't even think about it," Indianna said to Kimberly. "Don't fake happiness, don't hide your feelings. It's not good." Indianna gave Brooke a look.

"It's now a habit," Brooke defended herself. "And I don't intend to give it up."

"I talk to you, I tell you everything, it helps to have someone to talk to," Indianna frowned.

"It helps you," Brooke said. "Not me."

"Don't lie," Indianna sighed. "I know you feel better after Harry finally gets you to open up."

"Indie, respectfully, please shut up," Brooke said. "I'd rather not talk about me, or Harry. I would like to talk about Kal." Brooke turned to Kimberly. "I've got a question and it's really been bugging me."

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