XIX- Cry

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Sorry for the delay- I've started uni and it's a bit hectic. I've not had the chance to sit down a write properly!

Anyways, enjoy!


Brooke was sat in her room when Ben walked in. She gasped and quickly wiped her tears, watching Ben with cautious eyes.

"Crying already?" Ben asked. The door shut behind him with a loud bang. "I wonder how Harry is feeling. The mate bond must be starting to pull now. Are you experiencing any headaches?"

"What do you want, Ben?" Brooke asked. "What do you really want?"

"I want Harry to suffer. And he will," Ben said.

"You're working with Rogue! He's a werewolf! Why?"

"Because he can help me achieve my goal," Ben said and walked up to the bed Brooke was sat on. "He saved me from the verge of death. He found me after you tried to make it look like a car accident."

"I'm sorry," Brooke whispered.

"I don't know how you guys were planning to pass it off as a car accident when I had bruises on my neck from being suffocated and a manner of broken bones." Ben rolled his eyes. "But Rogue supplied a new body for the accident. Everyone thought it was me."

"So what? You've been biding your time? Waiting for the best time to attack?"

Ben nodded. "Something like that."

"If you're going to kill Harry-" Brooke gulped, "-just do it. Get it over with."

Ben smirked. "It pained you to say that, didn't it? Both Rogue and I agree that death isn't the best way to cause pain to someone," Ben said. "At least, not immediate death. Harry will suffer. He will suffer for as long as possible."

"Please," Brooke whispered.

"I rather liked you, Brooke. It's a shame that he's your mate."

"Ben, we were friends! You don't have to do this-"

"I do," Ben said sharply and stood up. "I'll see you soon, Brooke." Ben walked out and left Brooke in silence.

Brooke continued crying.


Indianna had stayed at Greyson's grave for hours. Kirstie had remained with her for a while before getting called away Mac. No one else disturbed her. She could feel eyes on her, from the house, but she was left in peace.

"Indie." It was Kimberly who spoke and she stood next to Indianna. "I'm not your mother so I'm not going to bug you, but you need to remember that you are going to be a mother, and it's getting cold out and you need to eat. I get you're upset, depressed, whatever, but let's go inside, yeah?"

"You're the least comforting person ever," Indianna said. She turned her head and looked up at Kimberly. A pain shot through the back of her neck as she turned. "You know that, right?"

Kimberly waved her hand dismissively. "Why did you just flinch?"

"It's my scar," Indianna said softly and slowly she stood.

Kimberly stared at Indianna for a few moments before speaking. "Well done."

Indianna raised an eyebrow curiously.

"For coming here." Kimberly looked at Greyson's grave.

Indianna nodded and walked towards the house, hugging her stomach as she did.

"Are you okay?"

"I might've said yes if you asked me that last year," Indianna sighed. She took a deep breath as she stepped into the warm pack house. The smell of food hit her instantly and her stomach grumbled. "I'm going to get some food. Thank you for coming to me."

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