XXVI- Mate bond?

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So, hello.

Sincere apologies for not updating. Life has been crazy and I honestly haven't had the drive to write for months. I have wanted to, but every time I went to write I found that nothing was coming to me, no words were making their way onto paper, and I wasn't enjoying it.

However, no matter how long it takes, I will always continue to update this book as I enjoy the story and want to reach the ending. I like to write this book, so I will always update it, no matter how long it has been.

This isn't a long update, but I am halfway through writing the next update and for the first time in months, the words are actually flowing easily, and it's not a chore to write, I'm enjoying it. I'm someone who can't write for the sake of it, I have to be enjoying it and it has to happen naturally. 

That hasn't been happening for me lately and I can't explain why I just hope you enjoy this update and I promise I will upload the next update VERY shortly. Trust me, you will want to read the next one. It's gonna be big.

Thank you:)


Indianna had gone to school with the others and regretted it deeply. She felt very ill, and it only got worse as the day went on. She joined Stacey for lunch but couldn't bring herself to eat any food, and she spent the whole time watching Brooke who was grumpily sitting with Alec who didn't look pleased either. Kal was sending Alec glares whenever he could, he had been told about Alice being Alec's mate and he most definitely did not approve.

"Are you coming over tonight?" Stacey asked after finishing her salad.

Indianna frowned. "I don't know, I'm really not feeling well-"

"But you promised!" Stacey gasped. "Jason will be so disappointed."

Indianna gritted her teeth and forced a smile. "Actually, I'm sure I can come for a bit."

Stacey grinned. "You're so amazing, Indie. I've always wanted a sister and now I have one!"

Indianna wiped her clammy forehead. "I'm glad you're happy, Stacey," Indianna said softly.

"And just think, when the babies are born I can look after them for you, to give you a break! It's what sisters do!"

Indianna's hands went protectively to her stomach. She knew she wouldn't want to let her children out of her sight, but she smiled and nodded. "That's so thoughtful of you."

Stacey smiled. "I'm so excited to meet them. So is Jason! Babies are so adorable."

Indianna wanted to be sick.

"Are you okay?" Stacey asked. "You look awfully pale."

"Fine," Indianna said. "It's just the pregnancy."

"You must be under so much stress," Stacey said. "Maybe you should come at stay at ours for a bit, have some time away from that awfully busy house. You can take some time to relax."

"Oh, that's so kind of you to offer," Indianna said, trying her best to sound sincere. "But the pack house is my home, I'm needed there."

Stacey frowned. She didn't seem convinced. "Jason was telling me, your pack isn't known for its friendliness. Is it wise to raise children around people that are dangerous?"

"They're not dangerous," Indianna said immediately. "They're my pack, and they will be my children's pack."

"But they are dangerous," Stacey insisted.

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