XXXI- Lily

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Brooke wasn't sure how this unknown girl, Lily, managed to get out of town without Rogue or any of his men noticing, but they did. They drove for half an hour in silence. Brooke was in shock. She was drumming her fingers on her knee, becoming impatient. She wanted to know what was going on.

"Stop that," Lily snapped. "It's irritating."

"You know what else is irritating? Not knowing what the hell is going on!" Brooke said. "You said I'd see Harry-"

"You will," Lily said firmly. She glanced at Brooke and sighed. "Brooklyn, I don't want to keep you apart any longer."

"How do you know who I am?" Brooke demanded. "How do you know Harry, his parents-"

"I'll explain everything," Lily said dismissively.

"How about you do that now?"

Lily smirked slightly. "I promise you, everything is going to make sense."

"Somehow, I'm not quite believing you-"

"If you wait five more minutes you'll be able to stop asking annoying questions," Lily said, giving Brooke a look as she stopped the car outside of a small cottage. They were in the middle of nowhere, in the countryside.

"If you're going to take me around the back and shoot me I'll kill you," Brooke said before she could stop herself. "Actually, Harry would kill you. He would be far from pleased that you are keeping him from his mate-"

"You're going to see Harry today," Lily said. "You're pregnant with his child and you're human. You're going to need him to keep you strong during this pregnancy. It takes its toll on humans."

"Of course, because humans are weak and stupid and can't handle anything," Brooke muttered and rolled her eyes.

"No," Lily said. "Brooklyn, I've been watching you-"

"That's really creepy."

"You've been through so much," Lily said. "There's not a lot of humans that couldn't stay strong after what you and Harry have been through. You may not be as physically strong, but I'd take your mental strength over a werewolf any day. You are far from weak, Brooklyn. I hope you realise that. You're stubborn and reckless, yes, but not weak-"


"Your actions are stupidly reckless," Lily said. She was younger than Brooke, but it didn't stop her from telling her off. "Keeping your mind blocked from Harry, hiding your pregnancy, not listening to him-"

"He's a controlling ass, why would I listen to him-"

"Because most of the time he's right and is trying to protect you. You are reckless, Brooklyn, and you need to realise that if you're going to have this baby. You can't be reckless anymore. I'm not going to let you, I won't let you do that to yourself, the baby or Harry."

Brooke frowned. "You talk of him as if you know him," she said. She looked Lily up and down. "You do know him, don't you?"

"In a past life," Lily murmured. "I'm as much of a stranger to him now as I am to you, but I've been watching you two for a long time. I know you, but you don't know me."

"I do," Brooke said. "I think I know exactly who you are."

Lily looked away and opened the car door. "There are some people that would like to meet you."

"Tell me," Brooke called. "Tell me who you are."

Lily raised her eyebrow. "You tell me."

"It's impossible," Brooke said.

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