XXXII- Brandon's Heartbreak

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I hope everyone is staying safe in this crazy time.

Big respect for anyone working in healthcare right now. I changed from studying nursing to train to be a paramedic so I've seen and worked alongside a lot of different staff in and out of hospitals and I know how hard everyone in the healthcare industry works, so I'm sending all my love and RESPECT to everyone working their asses off in the world right now!

And for all the other key workers, cleaners, supermarket staff, delivery drivers etc... Keep up the amazing work, you're keeping us going as much as the nurses, doctors, paramedics etc are.

I hope this chapter can provide a small, tiny escape from the world for whoever needs it right now.

Stay safe, stay inside, stay strong. This won't last forever. <3


"No," Lily said.

Harry raised his eyebrows at his newly reunited sister. "What?"

"Do you think I'm going to your packhouse where the psycho can turn up at any minute and see me?" Lily said and shook her head. "No. He doesn't have any idea who I am and I intend on keeping it that way. It was a nightmare when he figured out that mum and dad were lucid. Do you know how much I struggled to get them away from there without Rogue knowing where I took them?"

"You're not just disappearing into thin air," Harry said. "I won't let you."

"I'm not going anywhere until Rogue is buried 10 feet below us," Lily said. "But this place is the only place in the whole town that hasn't had Rogue's men snooping around. It's the only place that is safe. I'm not risking bumping into Rogue if he feels like wandering into your house."

"She's right," Brooke said and looked up at Harry. "But what does that mean for me? Does that mean I can't come back with you?"

"No, you need to be with Harry for you and your baby," Lily said. "It was Ben's revenge to keep you apart, Rogue was just helping him, it wasn't Rogue's idea. If Rogue questions you about Ben, which he will, you'll tell him that an arrow killed him. You didn't see who shot it, but as soon as it happened you called Harry, who came for you immediately, and Alec, and you got the hell out of there. You're good at hiding things, Brooklyn, I'm sure you can hide what happened from Rogue."

"Right," Brooke said and swallowed. She frowned at Lily. "What's going to happen to you? Where are you going to go?"

"I'll be keeping an eye on things and I'll be in touch."

"Well, we know how we're going to gain control over Rogue's men. Do you think you'd like to know that before you disappear on your brother who you've not seen for years?" Greyson asked with an edge to his voice.

"I'm not disappearing," Lily said sharply. She glanced sideways at Brooke. "I'm not," she repeated, her voice softer.

Brooke smiled. "I think the current situation isn't the best for a family reunion, but we can celebrate when this is over," she said and took Harry's hand. She could tell that he was struggling to process the information. Her mind that had previously been quiet because of Ben's drugs, was now buzzing. She could feel Harry and she could feel his varying emotions.

Lily frowned at Greyson. "What is your plan?" She asked.

"They're branded," Greyson explained. "His men are under his control. We're going to break that control and then kill his mate."

Brooke's eyes went wide. "What?" She gasped.

Harry looked down at her. "You never liked her, babe, don't act like what we're doing is appalling."

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