XX- Dinner

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I am awfully awfully sorry for the EXTREME lack of updates. Uni has been absolutely crazy and recently I've started placement (I'm doing nursing and it's a crazy degree) so I'm working in a hospital and my life is all over the place at the moment, and I am so sorry for the lack of updates! I'm currently on Christmas break so hopefully I'll get a few more updates up for you guys as I've got time to chill until next year!

Sorry again!

And I hope you enjoy this update!


Indianna managed to talk to Brooke for about one minute at school. "I'm sorry," Indianna said. "I'm sorry for what happened at the diner-"

"Don't apologise, you're were just trying to help," Brooke said quickly. She glanced around cautiously, looking for Alec. "How's Harry? How's Ace? How's you-"

"Harry is Harry, and Ace and I are fine," Indianna said. "We're going to get you out of this mess, Brooke."

"Alec isn't doing this willingly," Brooke explained. "Rogue and Ben have his mate captive. It's why he's working for them. He's being used just like we are."

"That really helps, Brooke-"

"Leave now, before you make things worse for Brooke," Alec said and Brooke froze when he walked up behind her and narrowed his eyes at Indianna.

"We'll sort this out," Indianna promised and forced a smile before sighing in defeat and walking away.

"If you talk to any of them again I'll be forced to tell Ben."

"Is Ben going to know if you lie?" Brooke asked.

"I'm not risking my mates life," Alec snapped. "Now, let's get to class."


Tai was sitting alone when Ace joined her. She jumped when his arm brushed hers. "Hey," Ace said softly.

"You look like shit," Tai said, looking Ace up and down.

"Wow, thank you," Ace said and raised an eyebrow at her.

"You look exhausted. Why are you at school? You should be resting," Tai said.

"Please, don't tell me that. It's all people are saying. I'm fine."

Tai arched an eyebrow.

"Okay, I'm not fine. But I'm well enough to be at school."

"I don't believe you," Tai shrugged.

Ace decided to ignore what Tai said.

"What's going on with Brooke?" Tai asked.

"Nothing," Ace said. He looked to the front of class where Brooke and Alec where talking. "There's nothing we can do at the moment."

"If you need help, I'll be there," Tai said. "You guys need all the help you can get."

Ace smiled. "Thank you, Tai. That means a lot."

Tai shrugged her shoulders.

"What's happening with Brandon and your brother?" Ace asked quietly.

"They're with each other constantly," Tai cringed. "I've never seen Raiden like this with anyone. They must be mates."

"This makes things a lot more complicated," Ace sighed.

"I don't want Raiden involved in this mess," Tai said. "He's already done so much for me, he doesn't deserved to get dragged into this."

"What has he done?" Ace asked softly.

"That doesn't matter," Tai said dismissively.

Ace frowned. "The only good thing is that he won't be harmed. Brandon and Rogue are working together, and Rogue won't hurt Raiden if he's Brandon's mate."

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