XXXVII- Christmas Dinner

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The evening had approached.

Indianna felt sick as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, and it wasn't from her pregnancy. She was dressed in a dark red dress and had a simple pair of flats on. Her ankles were starting to become swollen and she was not going to risk wearing heels. She caressed her bump and sighed. It felt wrong to be dressing up for an evening that she was dreading, but they had to continue with the facade.

They had to keep Rogue happy, and unsuspecting.

"You look gorgeous." Greyson exited the bathroom, dressed only in a pair of blue jeans, and stopped behind Indianna, kissing her bare shoulder. "I wish you looked gorgeous under different circumstances."

Indianna smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "You need to finish getting ready, Grey. I'm sure Rogue will be here soon."

Greyson closed his eyes and gently kissed Indianna's neck, sucking on her delicate skin, moving his lips up to her jawline, edging closer to her mouth.

"Greyson," Indianna whispered and leaned into his intoxicating touch.

"Don't," Greyson mumbled and his lips found hers. It was like muscle memory. Greyson knew every inch of Indianna and he would never forget even the tiniest of details about her. With his eyes still closed, he gripped Indianna tightly and lifted her up effortlessly, softly pushing her back up against the wall and securing her legs around his waist. "Give me one last distraction before we have to enter reality, sugar."

Greyson had barely finished his sentence when Indianna kissed him again. There was a fierceness to their exchange, their built up anxiety being expressed through their intense intimacy. The both of them were fighting for dominance with each other and the both of them were grateful that they were able to get so lost within each other that it could offer them a small respite from the real world.

But all good things had to come to an end.


"Don't make me stop."

"You have too." Indianna opened her eyes and stared into Greyson's as he begrudgingly opened them. "We have to be ready for when he arrives." Indianna pushed Greyson's hair away from his face and gently held his cheek. "It's one night. We can get through this."

Greyson lowered Indianna to the floor and turned his back, his body suddenly very stiff and rigid. Indianna's gaze was immediately pulled to the scars that now dotted Greyson's body that now looked like a child who had scribbled over his skin with a knife.

Indianna swallowed and looked away. Instead she walked over to Greyson's wardrobe and selected a white shirt and handed it to him. He took it silently and slipped it on, covering his marked skin and wordlessly doing the buttons up, his tattooed fingers moving quickly, angrily.

"I'm going to need you tonight, sugar." Greyson's voice was tense and cold.

Indianna hadn't moved from next to him. She reached up and adjusted his collar, hoping her touch would soothe Greyson. "I'm here."

Greyson spoke slowly, anger and resentment lacing his voice. There's a very real chance that I could snap."

This would be the first time since Rogue released Greyson that they would be in each other's presence for an extended period of time. Greyson had so much anger built up inside him that he knew it wouldn't take much for Rogue to push him over the edge.

"I'm here," Indianna repeated softly. "And later, when this is all over, you can tell me how gorgeous I look when this dress is on the floor."

Greyson couldn't help but smile. "You could just show me now?"

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