XXI- Blood

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Indianna hurried into the bathroom that connected to Greyson's room and grabbed a wad of tissue, pressing it to her neck. She gasped and held her fist to her mouth, trying to stop a yell due to the pain.

"What the hell," she whispered and checked the tissue that was covered in dots of blood. She continued to wipe her neck until the blood faded and she let out a sigh of relief. She threw the bloody tissue down the toilet and flushed it, hoping no one would catch the scent of her blood.

She stretched her neck and winced. It felt extremely sore and she had no idea why.

"Indianna!" There was a knock at the bedroom door and Indianna rushed out of the bathroom as Harry walked in with Ace, Kal and Kimberly. "You're back, when did you get back?" Kal asked.

"Just now," Indianna said and took a seat on Greyson's bed. She hugged a pillow close.

"What happened?" Kimberly asked. She sat next to Indianna.

"I saw my mum," Indianna said.

"What?" Ace gasped. "Gosh, is she okay?"

"She's a lunatic," Indianna said. "She's gone completely mental."

"Well, that's comforting," Kal muttered sarcastically. "What has Rogue done to her?"

Indianna shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea. She was talking all sorts of nonsense."

"What was she saying?"

"She was going on about someone being alive," Indianna sighed. "She was saying that I'd figure it out."

Ace raised his eyebrows. "Could she mean-"

"I thought that," Indianna whispered. Her mind went to Greyson and her heart shattered a little bit more. "But it can't be. I'm 90% sure that Rogue put Iris up to it, to torture me even more."

"I'm sorry," Kimberly whispered and wrapped her arms round Indianna.

Indianna stiffened when Kimberly touched her neck.

"You tensed," Harry pointed out.

Indianna swore internally. Harry didn't miss a thing. "I-"

"Why did you tense?" Harry demanded. "Are you in pain?"

"I'm fine," Indianna said dismissively.

"Indie, you're a god awful liar," Kal said. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Indianna insisted. She didn't want to worry anyone anymore that was necessary. Everyone already had too much to worry about. "I'm just tired and exhausted."


"She said it was nothing," Kimberly said sharply. "God, you're insistent. How does Brooke put up with you-"

"Kim," Kal said softly. "Don't."

Kimberly realised what she had said and she looked at Harry just as he sent a terrifying glare in her direction and then walked out.

"Shit," Ace murmured and followed him out.

"I didn't mean it like that," Kimberly huffed.

"You seriously need to think before you talk," Kal groaned.

"You never do!" Kimberly argued.

"But everyone loves my witty and charming comments," Kal said. "Apart from Harry. Harry doesn't appreciate comments from anyone."

Kimberly sighed and rolled her eyes. "Kal, clear off. Let me talk to Indie."

"Please and thank you wouldn't go amiss," Kal grumbled, but he kissed Kimberly's cheek and walked out of the room.

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