XXVIII- Greyson's Back

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Indianna was unsure how long she had been in Greyson's arms. Holding him. Her headache had gone, the hot flushes had vanished and the only reason she felt faint was due to the shock. "I love you," she whispered. She repeated it over and over again.

"I know," Greyson murmured and ran his fingers through Indianna's long hair. "And I love you."

"I don't understand," she said. "I can't, I don't- G-Greyson."

"Don't talk," Greyson said. "Just let me hold you, sugar."

"Is this real?" Indianna said. "I've dreamt of you, I could be dreaming."

Greyson pressed his lips to Indianna's and she melted. Warmth filled her and she relaxed immediately. Only the touch of her mate could make her feel this way. "You would know if that was a dream," Greyson said.

Tears formed in Indianna's eyes again. "I've missed you."

Greyson swallowed and blinked. He was holding back tears. "Let's get up from the grass, shall we?" Greyson stood and pulled Indianna with him. She didn't let go of him and he didn't move his arms from around her. Greyson stiffened when he looked over to where Rogue was previously standing. He was no longer there. "Good riddance," Greyson muttered.

A cough made Greyson look over at Harry who was staring at him. He was expressionless. "Greyson," he said as Greyson and Indianna walked over to Harry.

"Brother," Greyson said and pulled away from Indianna to embrace Harry in a hug. More tears formed as Indianna watched this and she wiped her damp cheeks. Neither Greyson or Harry where talking, but they didn't need to share words in this moment. "I come back from the dead and even that doesn't make you shed a tear," Greyson said after they pulled apart. "You haven't changed."

Harry gripped onto Greyson's shoulder tightly. "You're back."

Greyson raised an eyebrow. "Glad you've realised."

Harry couldn't help but laughed. "You haven't changed."

Greyson reached out for Indianna and wrapped his arms tightly around her again. He kissed the top of her head. "You've got a lot to fill me in on."

"We need to get you home and cleaned up first. You look exhausted. You need rest," Indianna said. He reached up and touched Greyson's cheek. "You're bruised. Did he... were you-"

"I'm fine," Greyson said. "I can handle a few cuts and bruises. I did handle it."

"What did he do to you?" She whispered.

Greyson frowned. "You really don't need to know that, sugar, but it was nothing I couldn't handle."

"Now really isn't the time to act tough," Harry snapped.

"Honestly, Rogue thought he was doing a lot more damage than he did," Greyson said. "They used wolfsbane, it's a poison, it's why I've not healed."

"We need to get you to Doc," Indianna said. She gripped Greyson's hand tightly. "We're going home, now."

Greyson raised an eyebrow, surprised at Indianna's sterness. "Yes, ma'am," he whispered into her ear. "I forgot what it did to me when you turned all strict."

Indianna hit his chest. "This is not the time or place, Greyson. I'm still processing this and my mind is in overdrive. Can we please get you home where you're safe and then you can be your annoying self."

Greyson couldn't help but smirk. "God, I've missed you."

"Stay here," Harry said. "I'll collect the car and pick you two up. We can't risk people seeing you, Greyson."

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