VII- Fight

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Another amazing cover by @ReadingDoggo !


Indianna met Jane and Franklin on the doorstep of their house. Jane had tears streaking down her face and Franklin was consoling his wife.

They had really taken to Ellie in the months she had been with them.

Indianna rushed upstairs to Ellie's room and saw the note on her bed. Indianna looked around Ellie's yellow rooms and smiled softly. It was covered in posters and drawings.

Ellie was finally a normal teenager.

And Rogue had to ruin it.

Indianna picked up the note and took a seat on Ellie's bed as she read it.


My sources tell me this child means a lot to you. She means a lot to me as well. I told you there will be another punishment, and while it pains me to hurt young Ellie, I'm sure it pains you and your pack more, so hurt her I shall.

It's been a while since I've seen Ellie and I have a lot of catching up to do with her before I end her short little life.

From now on I hope you and all of your pack members listen to EVERY single word I say.

I'll tell Ellie that you say goodbye.

- Jason

"We need to find her!" Indianna yelled and hurried downstairs to her pack members. "He's going to kill her!"

"No!" Jane cried. "Why her?!"

Indianna looked down at the note in her hand and frowned. "When we found her, she was running away from someone who held her captive. Rogue had also gotten to her and bitten her in the same places as me. I... I think it was Rogue who had held her captive. The note says how he has a lot of catching up to do."

"We have to find her," Brooke said, her eyes wide. It was saddening how much Brooke related with Ellie.

"I've alerted Kal, he is going to tell the pack and start the searches," Ace said.

"I'm going home," Indianna said.

"Indianna, now is really not the time," Harry snapped which earned a glare from Brooke.

"My old home," Indianna said. "Rogue's house."

"Not by yourself!" Brooke gasped.

"He won't hurt me, that's even if he's there," Indianna said. "We need to get a lead. Figure out where he's taken Ellie."

"I'll go with you," Ace said.

"Are you sure you're well enough-"

"Ellie is more important than my health," Ace said.

"I'm going to talk to Brandon," Brooke spoke up.

"No!" Harry said instantly.

"He's our best shot at finding Rogue!" Brooke insisted.

Indianna frowned and chewed on her lip. "She's right. Harry, you go with Brooke to talk to Brandon, we'll leave Kal to lead he search parties and Ace and I will go to Rogue's house." Indianna was firm and she was surprised when even Harry didn't argue.

He glared quite harshly, but didn't disagree.

"W-what about us?" Franklin asked.

"You two stay here, if there's any chance Ellie can get away she'll come home," Ace said gently.

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