XXVII- Reward

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Indianna remained at home for the next week. Her health didn't improve and she had no energy to do anything, everything she did made her faint and dizzy. She constantly felt nauseas, but only ate because she knew she needed the energy for her children.

"How are you feeling, dear?" Laura asked. She walked into Greyson's room and sat on the end of his bed, looking at Indianna who was holding a sick bucket. 

"The same," Indianna sighed. She wiped her clammy forehead with the back of her hand. "I feel like how I used to get when I was away from Greyson." Indianna touched her mark that was still red and itchy. "It's so confusing."

"Indie, I know the last thing you want to do is go out, but I think it might do you good to get out of the house and get some fresh air."

"I don't know if I have the energy," Indianna admitted.

"The Christmas Fair is in a few hours. Why don't you have a nice bath, I'll make you some food and then you can try and go, even if it's just for an hour. I know you're exhausted, but I think it might help."

"I know Sasha wants to go. She's been cooped up in this house. She's too scared to go to school by herself. She'd be happy to get out."

Laura smiled. "You two can go together. I know Ace is going with Tai, I'm sure Kal and Kimberly will go. I doubt Harry will, but I don't think anyone will be surprised at that." 

"I guess I can come straight home if I feel worse."

Laura smiled. "I'll run you a bath and have some food ready for when you come out."

"Thank you, Laura."

"That's okay, dear." Laura stood and headed towards the en-suit, but she paused and looked back at Indianna. "Indie, I was wondering, have you heard anymore about your mother?"

Indianna swallowed. "Last week, when I was at Rogue's house after I fainted, I asked him once I was awake."


"He said that her mental state had gotten worse. He said she was in a hospital, for her protection."

"How truthful do you think he was being?"

"I think he's got her somewhere so she's out of the way," Indianna said. "She seemed like she had truly lost it when I last saw her, but... She alive. He hasn't killed her. Yet."


Indianna did feel slightly better after a soothing bath and a hot meal, even though it took a while for Indianna to get the food down her without wanting to bring it back up. She was waiting by the front door to go to the Christmas Fair. She was dressed in leggings, boots and a cream jumper. She wasn't cold, but as werewolves they all had to dress accordingly to the weather so they didn't stand out. She wrapped a scarf around her neck and took a long breath. The dizziness was holding off for now, and she hoped it would stay that way.

"Hey." Sasha joined Indianna. She was zipping her coat up. 

"Hey," Indianna smiled. "How are you doing?"

"I feel like a wimp," Sasha murmured, "but I'm too scared to go to school. This Rogue person and Ben know who I am, and I know I'm completely irrelevant to them, but I'm scared what could happen because they now know me."

"Don't ever call yourself a wimp," Indianna said and took Sasha's hand. "Rogue is dangerous, you're right to want to stay as far away from him as possible. And Ben."

"Let's go, people!" Kal called as him and Kimberly descended the stairs. Indianna was surprised to see Harry following behind them, looking like he was heading to his execution. "And yes, much to my shock Harry has decided to lighten all our moods and grace us with his presence." Harry shoved Kal down the last few steps. "Dick," Kal huffed.

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