I- Tai

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Hi guys, welcome to the sequel for Shy- Defeated !

Hope you enjoy it, and thank you for being patient for this to come out !

It will probably not make much sense to begin with, but bare with me and all will be explained in the upcoming chapters.

And please, do not moan at me about the events that happen in this book, I have have these planned for a long time and I'm not changing them or writing them just to please readers, what happens in this book has always been my idea and plan since writing the first book. Please respect that because the amount of hate I received on the ending of Shy was disgusting and put me off writing for a while.

But, hopefully those people that hated aren't here and it's only the people that liked the ending and want to find out what's going to happen !

Thanks for sticking around, and I hope you enjoy it !


Updated 07.01.2022

Tai looked up at the mess of a house in front of her and turned to her twin, Raiden, raising her dark eyebrows at him. "Out of all the places, you chose this dump?" She said, clearly not impressed at her new home. The pain was peeling, a window shutter was hanging off and the grass had grown so long that they were surrounded by weeds.

"I didn't see the point of blowing all of our money on a fancy house, this has all we need," Raiden defended himself, not viewing the house as pessimistically as his sister. He was always the more positive one out of the two.

"I'm sure it has lots more than we need, such as rats," Tai frowned and crossed her arms over her chest, scowling at Raiden. "We've got a load of money, you could have bought somewhere a bit nicer!"

"We're here now," Raiden said, smiling hopefully, "let's make this work."

Tai pursed her lips and held her hand out. "Keys," she sighed and Raiden placed the keys to their new home in her palm. "Let's hope the inside is better than the out," she murmured and walked up the path and shoved the keys into the lock. The door creaked as she pushed it open and she walked into the sparsely furnished one-story house. "Home sweet home," she said un-enthusiastically, looking back at her brother in distaste. "Next time, leave it to me."

"There won't be a next time," Raiden said and kicked the door shut. "This is our home, our new town. This is where we are going to stay, Tai."

Tai glanced at her brother as she walked through the house, making her way into the kitchen and looking out of the window, nodding when she saw they backed onto the woods. "At least you got one thing right," she muttered and scrunched her face up when she looked at the dust-covered counter. "Are you sure this place hasn't got mould?"

"Stop being so miserable!" Raiden scolded and wrapped his arm around Tai's shoulder, smiling down at her. "This is what we've always wanted. We're out, it's just us two, we're out of the system, no one can tell us what to do anymore. We're free."

Tai pursed her lips, looking at her boot-clad feet. "The way we got here wasn't exactly... Pleasant."

"Forget about that, Tai," Raiden frowned. "It was an accident, it wasn't your fault, you know you didn't mean to hurt anyone."

"It was my fault," she argued. "If only I could learn to control it, then maybe we wouldn't be here in this tiny little town in this god awful house-"

"Hey, stop it," Raiden said softly, cutting his sister off. "None of this is your fault. You couldn't help what happened."

"Exactly!" Tai said, groaning in frustration and ran her fingers through her long dark hair. "I couldn't help it; it was my fault!"

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