XVI- Revenge

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"We should get going soon," Brooke said, after checking her phone. She had a text from Harry, telling her to unblock her mind.

She ignored it.

"Yeah," Sasha nodded.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Brooke needs to go somewhere out of town," Sasha said. "I said I'd drive her."

Indianna raised her eyebrows. "Out of town?"

Brooke smiled. "Yep, we better get going-" Brooke swore when her phone rang and she sighed, answering it. "Yes, Harry?"

"Where are you?"

"Still in town."

"Unblock your mind, Brooklyn. You're not going until I can get in touch with you easily. I need to know I can make sure you're safe."

"Sorry, but I can't do that."

"You lied," Harry snapped.

"You should've guessed that, Harry," Brooke said.

"My cars just parked round the back of the diner," Sasha was telling Indianna.

"You're still at the diner?" Harry said, overhearing Sasha. "Stay where you are, babe."

"Sorry, gotta go!" Brooke said quickly.

"Don't you fucking-"

Brooke hung up and avoided eye contact with Indianna. "I've had an argument with Harry and he's on his way here. Can we go, like now?"

"Brooke, whatever you're doing, I don't think it's a good idea," Indianna said as Brooke stood.

"Chill, I won't crash the car this time," Sasha joked and stood as well.

Brooke rolled her eyes. "Lets speed things up, Sash, I'm kinda in a hurry."

"Hurry from Harry?" Sasha smirked.

"Move your butt, girl!" Brooke said and looked over her shoulder at Indianna. "Don't say anything to anyone about this," Brooke said quietly. "I'll be fine. Harry knows what I'm doing."

"He's just mindlinked me and told me to stop you," Indianna said and stood up.

"Sash, I'll meet you at the car," Brooke called and Sasha shrugged, walking out of the diner. "Am I the only person who blocks people out?" Brooke said to Indianna.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't say, not with Rogue's fuck buddy sitting across the room," Brooke muttered. "Look, this is mine and Harry's problem. He's just pissed that I'm still blocking him."

"You're going to try to leave," Indianna whispered. "You know you can't-"

"Out of all people I'm probably the only one who can!" Brooke said lowly. "Can I trust you to ignore Harry?"

Indianna shook her head. "Brooke, I can't let you go. You could get hurt."

"I can deal with hurt. I've had enough pain, I should be used to it by now," Brooke said. "I need to do this do Harry, for his parents."

"Brooke," Indianna whispered and took a step forward. "You're not going. I'm not letting someone else get hurt."

"I won't get hurt! But talking about it here isn't going to help!" Brooke said.

"You're not going," Indianna repeated. "I'm your Luna and I'm telling you no."

"You're also my best friend, you should trust me," Brooke whispered.

"I do trust you, it's him I don't trust. And his men." Indianna took another step forward. "Brooke, I'm sorry, but don't make me force you to stay here. I can't believe Harry agreed to let you go in the first place."

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