XVII- Rules

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"P-please, whatever you're planning-"

"Quiet," Ben said simply and he looked at Sasha who was trying to discretely text on her phone. "Throw the phone out of the window!" Ben called and waved his gun. "Or I'll kill you."

Sasha froze. Ben aimed the gun.

"Stop it!" Brooke yelled and lurched forward. "She's got nothing to do with any of this!"

"Behave," the guy holding Brooke snapped and tightened his grasp. Brooke had cut her neck and a trickle of blood was sliding down her neck.

"Don't make me ask again," Ben called and Sasha quickly threw her phone out of the window.

"How are you alive?" Brooke asked. "You're dead. You d-died."

"You mean your mate murdered me?" Ben said and raised his eyebrows. "I had someone to save me."

Brooke frowned. "Rogue. Rogue connects all of this together. Rogue is a werewolf, you hate werewolves! Why are you working with him!"

Ben smiled and tucked the gun into his jeans. "Because he can give me what I want."

"Revenge," Brooke whispered and suddenly she feared for Harry.

"Revenge," Ben nodded. "I'm going to make Harry suffer. And then, I'll kill him."

"P-please, Ben, we were friends! Don't do this! We worked together-"

"That didn't stop you from stepping in when your mate tried to murder me. You watched. You did nothing!" Ben spat.

"What the hell could I do against Harry!" Brooke snapped. "You of all people know how weak I am compared to him!"

"He listens to you! You could've talked him out of it!"

"Ben, you were hunting werewolves!" Brooke cried. "You'd killed so many innocent people!"

"Well, at least Harry isn't innocent," Ben shrugged.

"Please!" Brooke pleaded.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on killing him for a while," Ben smiled. He walked up to Brooke and grabbed her chin. She cringed under his touch. "I've got lots planned before I take his life."

"He's in my head," Brooke whispered. "He's coming. He knows where I am-"

"Don't lie, Brooke," Ben tutted. "He's not in your head."

"I... I-"

"You don't want him to find out," Ben said and smirked. "Do you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Brooke whispered.

"You're surprisingly bad at lying, Brooke," Ben said and Brooke gasped when he grabbed her and pulled her forward. "Lets go on a little trip."

"What about the girl?" The guy that was holding Brooke asked. He looked over his shoulder at Sasha.

"She's irrelevant. Leave her," Ben said dismissively and he dragged Brooke further down the dark road. They reached his car and Brooke panicked, fighting against Ben when he opened the trunk.

"No, get off me! Let me go!" Brooke yelled and desperately tried to run from him.

"Get in," Ben snapped.

Brooke closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had to let Harry in. She would just have to accept the fact that he would find out her secret.

As soon as she removed the block from her mind she felt Harry's presence immediately.

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