XIV- Secrets

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Thank you Emma Griese for the cover for Shy! (I don't know your username- sorry !)


"Ouch," Ace hissed.

"Stay still," Tai snapped and dabbed at Ace's cuts with a damp tissue. They were in the boys toilets and Ace was leaning against the sink with a pile of bloody tissues next to him. Tai sighed from where she was standing next to Ace and wiped away more blood. "I thought we healed quickly. You're not."

"I'm still recovering from the coma. My healing isn't great," Ace sighed.

"Then you shouldn't get into fights," Tai muttered.

"I don't," Ace said. "This was an exception."


Ace looked down at Tai. "It just was," he said dismissively.

"I don't need you fighting for me," Tai huffed. "I can damn well handle myself."

"Doesn't mean that you should," Ace said and Tai's eyes flickered to his.

"What is this?" Tai asked suddenly and stepped back, throwing the red tissue onto the side. Tai narrowed her eyes at Ace and crossed her arms over her chest. "What is this?"

"What?" Ace asked.

"This!" Tai sighed and gestured between her and Ace. "This is something and I don't know what! Why am I cleaning blood off you! I don't help people, I don't get involved! I keep to myself and push everyone away- why am I helping you?"

Ace grabbed Tai's arm, he gently ran his thumb over her skin. "This?" He said.

"What are you doing?" Tai demanded.

"What do you feel?" Ace asked softly.

"I... I-" Tai's eyes flicked from Ace's hand to his eyes. "Sparks. I feel sparks."

"I think it's time you sat down and read the book Indianna gave you. In fact, I'd recommend a specific chapter... about a thing called mates."


Indianna was walking to class alone when she bumped into Stacy who was pinning up flyers about the Christmas Fayre. "Indie!" Stacy said brightly. "How are you? How's the baby?"

Indianna glanced round cautiously, hoping no one had overheard. "Hi, Stacy," Indianna said. "The baby is fine."

"That's good to hear, what's even better to hear is that you agreed to come to dinner! It'll be so good!" Stacy grinned. "I convinced Jason not to cook. He's amazing at many things, but not cooking."

"Amazing at many things?" Indianna repeated. "Who would've thought."

"He's a dark horse," Stacy smiled and thrust a flyer into Indianna's hands. "Please say you're coming. It's going to be even better than the last Fair."

Indianna thought back to Cassie dying and Rogue attacking her. "The last Fair was certainly... memorable."

"It was unforgettable," Stacy scoffed. "It's when I met Jason."

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