III- Introductions

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Sorry for the wait ! I've been on holiday and the WiFi in Zante... Not so great. And honestly, I was too busy being drunk the whole week to write anything... so I apologise for this chapter not being so great. Bare with me, I'm just getting into the story, it will get better in a few chapters time !

Enjoy !


Tai was exhausted already, not used to Brooke's bubbly personality. After a brief tour of the school Brooke handed Tai her timetable and locker combination. "I checked your schedule already, your first class is with me!"

Tai faked enthusiasm. "Fantastic."

"It's gym," Brooke pouted.

"Not a sporty person?" Tai wondered.

"Let's just say it's not in my blood," Brooke shrugged and smiled at Tai when the bell rang. "Shall we go to the changing rooms?"

"I don't think you'll take no for an answer," Tai muttered. "Lead the way."

Brooke grinned and turned on her heel and walked down the hallway that was slowly starting to get busy. "I'm sure you'll learn your way around really quickly, I did when I moved here," Brooke said. "And I'm awful and directions."

Tai raised her eyebrows. "You were new?"

"Yep, I moved here nearly two years ago," Brooke nodded. "Best and worst decision of my life."

"That guy, was he an ex?"

Brooke stared at Tai in horror and shook her head rapidly. "God, no!" Brooke cried. "He's- He was my cousin."


"Let's just say blood isn't as strong as it seems," Brooke muttered. "We don't talk anymore."

Tai shrugged and nodded, following Brooke in silence as she talked about the school. Tai honestly couldn't care less, but Brooke seemed nice and sweet and Tai didn't want to be mean.

When the two girls finally made it to the changing rooms Brooke led Tai over to the corner where Tai spotted a red haired girl sitting next to a brown haired girl. They were talking quietly and Brooke sighed quietly.

"Hey," Brooke called and the two girls looked up, the brown haired one smiling softly.

"Hey, I missed you this morning," the brown haired one said and Brooke pointed to Tai.

"Sorry, I had to leave early to meet one of the new students!" Brooke said. "This is Tai. Tai, meet Indianna and Kimberly."

Indianna smiled and Tai raised her eyebrows when Kimberly just looked her up and down and nodded curtly.

"Just ignore Kimberly. She's always a bit... Sour," Brooke said and Kimberly glared at Brooke.

"Feel free to tell Brooke to shut up, she never does stop her endless blabbering," Kimberly snapped.

"I'm sensing tension," Tai nodded.

"Be nice," Indianna pleaded. "Please."

"She started it," Kimberly shrugged.

"And I'm ending it," Indianna said. "Not today."

"Are you okay?" Brooke asked seriously and Tai eyed Brooke curiously, sensing that her question meant something a lot more.

Indianna shook her head. "Not really," she said and took a deep breath. Suddenly she froze and looked up at Tai with wide eyes.

"What?" Tai asked.

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