XXVIII- Greyson's Sacrifice

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Another chapter so soon? That's very unlike me.

I am really enjoying writing again. I feel like I had such a long phase where I wasn't happy with ANYTHING I was writing and I never had the motivation to sit down and try and write anything, however.... That stage is gone, baby.

I'm back, and hopefully, I can continue giving you guys the updates that you have so very patiently waited for!

I appreciate every single one of you that still reads this, even though it's been nearly 5 years since I started this sequel... (I feel awful that I've made people wait that long and this isn't even finished)

But anywayyyyy, enjoy the update, and I hope there will be another one very soon!


For a moment, Indianna thought Tai had attacked her. She was lying on the floor, her head ringing and vision slightly blurred. All she could smell was the metallic scent of blood and she panicked, her hands going to her stomach, feeling herself rapidly for any injuries.

Her hands remained dry, but she didn't relax, just because she couldn't feel blood didn't mean she wasn't injured. She was disorientated and the only thing she could hear apart from the ringing in her ears were screams.

Was she in pain?

She couldn't tell.

She blinked, feeling liquid trickle into her eye. Her hands moved slowly as she rubbed her face, a sharp pain shooting down the side of her head, and she pulled her fingers away to see blood.

Hands suddenly grabbed hers and Greyson came into her field of vision. His lips were moving frantically, his eyes wide, but Indianna couldn't hear his voice.

Someone was still screaming.

Greyson gripped Indianna's shoulders, pulling her up from the floor. She stumbled but he held her firmly. Once she was on her feet Greyson grabbed her face in his hands and yelled one word.


Indianna heard him, and she also heard the screams coming from behind her, she could focus on them more clearly now.

Rogue was screaming.

"W-what?" Indianna attempted to turn around to see the scene unfolding behind her, but Greyson held her still.

"Sugar, get out of here. Now! It's not safe!"

"Let go of me, Greyson!" Indianna shouted and she fought against him and wriggled free of his grasp, turning around and freezing at the sight in front of her.

Rogue was kneeling on the floor, howling, screaming. He was covered in blood, it stained his skin and his clothes crimson. "Help her!" He cried, every inch of his voice laced with pain. He screamed again, his voice cracking from the strain. "Somebody!"

The blood on Rogue was spreading. It wasn't stopping. Clutched in his arms was Stacey's body. She lay limp, eyes barely open, mouth agape, and blood covered her. It flowed from her freely, exiting a large wound on her neck.

A bite wound.

Everything clicked in Indianna's mind and she frantically scanned the room, looking for Tai, but she was no where to be found. Neither was Ace, Raiden and Brandon. Everyone else remained in the room, but they were all making their way to the exit, putting as much distance between them and Rogue as they could.

Hands gripped Indianna and she cried out when she felt herself get pulled backwards. "Wait! We can't leave her! We have to help-" A hand clasped itself over Indianna's mouth and she knew immediately who was responsible for dragging her away.

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