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"well, what do you wanna know?" cas asks her, walking to the tables and chairs that have the brothers initials carved into them. he loves gazing upon that table, its like art to his eyes.

the boy gets so flustered thinking about dean. he doesn't even know where to start.

she moves her arms as she speaks. "like how this all started? angel and a hunter? not the most casual thing in this world you know." she sits down in the chair across from him, crossing her legs in a royal way, acting like she always does, genuinely interested in this cross-lovers cheesy story, that he's not even sure how it came to be.

"in the beginning, i remember walking into the same room as the brothers and dean saw me almost immediately. he then told me this elaborate plan that might possibly work" cas laughs.

"and what is this secret elaborate plan you speak of?" she giggles in response. the environment seems so calm and inviting that cas feels like she can tell her anything without being judged for it. a place where he can talk about his hunter.

"all i remember is that he said, "'well I was thinking that, maybe we could fake a relationship to possibly find ways to defeat her?'" he quotes, mocking dean's voice and the hand movements he made when the idea was first brought up to him. cas remembers how confused he was by  the offer, but he wouldn't take it back for a second. 

rowena laughs so hard she almost falls out of her brown wooden seat. she collects herself, holding back laughter to ask another question in her little scottish accent. "how would a relationship help that? man i think that boy was dropped on his noggin one two many times."

"he thought people who were in relationships with angels got to know special information about angel radio and stuff, as if i wouldn't have told him anyways regardless. you know, im more than sure that was just a scheme for us to get together. you'd think dean would remember that celestial beings cant be with humans" cas smiles.

"yet look at you lovebirds now" rowena reaches over the table and pokes the angel, smiling and laughing. 

" i do think that its currently working out pretty well if i do say so myself" cas adjusts his trench-coat and blushes. the two have a break in conversation to catch their breath until rowena breaks the silence. "when did you realize it was more than just pretend?

"im not for sure myself. i just always thought of him more. although the moment that i realized he felt the same, was when he reached for me during an emotional moment in the kitchen a week or two ago. he hugged me like he's been needing it his whole life. he rested his head so gently on my body and i could tell he felt safe. a few days after, we took a ride in baby and during a song, he told me he loved me.

since then, it feels so real, so lovely, so safe. humanity is a wonderful thing." he could never imagine a world without dean, his beautiful, broken concept of humanity.

she watches how the angel's face lights up the room. she's seen that face and felt that energy before. the feeling of true love. its rare, especially with these circumstances. he grabs the nearest book, the one that he sees dean read all the time. he flip's through the jagged pages until she speaks up to ask her final question of the night.

"you love him, don't you castiel?"

"so much. i always have rowena. always will."

nights in white satin | deancasWhere stories live. Discover now