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the first thing dean does after lifting himself up onto his feet is walkover to his beloved angels vessel as sam checks on chuck. he taps the boy on his shoulder, earning a head movement. "dean?" cas looks at dean with worried eyes. "cas? hey is that you?" he shuffles his words, moving closer.

"lucifer's gone" dean smiles to himself, but then gets distracted by castiel's broken state. he's more worried about cas than chuck himself, and he knows he shouldn't. "amara ripped him from my body"

"to where?" dean questions, not taking his hand off of the angels shoulder.
"i don't know"

dean lifts castiel up to his feet, pulling him into a hug before checking in on chuck. dean missed him so much and just wanted castiel in his entirety, not the shared apartment that was his vessel. castiel never stopped thinking about him as he was pushed down either.

dean whispered something inaudible into castiel's ear before kissing him on the cheek and walking over to chuck. "how do you feel?" sam asks awkwardly, kneeling over his body.

Castiel smiles brightly behind the group, covering his mouth with his hand due to the inappropriate timing.

he feels as if this was a welcome home gift, and he knew dean was being sincere. he feels something for dean, more than before.

but his beautiful thoughts get shredded and he snaps back to reality as chuck speaks back, voice weakened.

"you know when you're driving and a bug hits your windshield? i'm the bug."

"so what amara said about you?"

"dying. yeah, whatever she did to me, i can feel my spark, my light fading. and when it's gone..."

"okay well tell us how to fix you?" dean demands quietly, kneeling down as castiel lays his hand on his hunter's shoulder.

"you can't. I-I-I suppose she could, maybe, but that's never gonna happen."

chuck gets interrupted by the sound of a door slamming open. in immediate defense dean pulls his gun out, loading it as castiel places his hand on dean's back.

rowena walks through the door with her son crowley following. "so that was a gun in your pocket"

dean just looks away angrily and turns his attention to castiel. sam picks chuck off the floor and holds him to stability.

"well... that was a complete and utter dog's breakfast, wasn't it?" crowley remarks, throwing the angel into confusion. "i didn't know dogs had breakfast?"

dean just smiles before whispering, "cas is back"

after seconds of silence, rowena speaks up. "just curious— has anyone bothered to look outside?"

there's a siren going off in the distance as the group walks out of the abandoned powerplant. as dean becomes preoccupied by the ashes on the ground, rowena taps his shoulder, bringing his and the groups attention to the fiery colored sky in front of them, castiel intertwining his pinky with deans' for reassurance.

nights in white satin | deancasWhere stories live. Discover now