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"cas, where are you?" he hears dean yell from down the hall. the sound of his boots hitting the ground as he ran filled the building as the angel cried into his arms. the weeping acted as a compass for dean, heart breaking every time he heard his cries.

castiel's body shook with every breath, back hurting from holding his body weight. 

"please darling, talk to me." the hunter yelled, running up and down empty halls. the cries became stronger and stronger, leading him to where his partner lays. a single tear falls down dean's cheek before he sits in front of the boy.

 dean places his hand on his, letting him know he's there. 

"why are you leaving me already?"  cas asks him, moving into a more comfortable position. he sniffles and attempts to wipe his tears away.

dean reaches out to the angel and caresses his cheek. 

"i'm not leaving you, i could never live without you." 

"then why are you sacrificing yourself to kill the darkness?" cas questions, the pain singing in the cracks of his voice. "i just got you dean, i can't lose you already. there has to be another way. there has to."

the tears begin to fall stronger as dean pulls the boy in, holding him in his grip. "its the only way honey. i don't want to do this, but i have to." he kisses him on the forehead before repeating himself. "its the only way."

the smaller boy snuggles into dean's chest, his scent calming the angel down. taking a deep breath, he begs his partner. "please dean. i cant-"

"i promised you i'd never leave you" he responds, making cas look up at his boyfriend. dean sees his tear stained skin and wipes his tears away, giving him a kiss on the forehead. "if this doesn't happen the way i hope it does, you know id be sitting in heaven waiting for you to join me."

"if you go to heaven after, that is." castiel jokes, making the couple laugh. the small smile that appeared on his lips gave dean hope.

"that's my angel, the one i'm undeserving of." he smiles before holding his hand gently.

"you deserve all the love in the world, Mr. Winchester." cas explains, taking a breath in and caressing his cheek like dean did previously.  "you're just not used to receiving it."

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