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after an hour passes by, the winchesters' finally walk through the doors of the bunker and walk down the steps. relieved that they're okay, castiel meets them halfway up the stairs and greets them both with a hug, dean's lasting longer of course.

"we're alright cas"  sam tells him before receiving the hug, but accepting it nonetheless. 

"i know, i just felt like it." cas replies happily, grabbing dean's unoccupied hand and walking the rest of the way down. as they all walk into the war room, the boys' noticed that everyone is joined at the table, chuck and crowley included, who have been expecting their arrival to hear about the trip.

sam sets his bags down underneath the stairwell and dean does the same without letting go of the angel's hand before walking by the table and sitting with the group. sam rolls his eyes at the cheesiness to mock them of their romance, but deep down he's thankful that cas is there to be there for dean, to give him the love that he's always desired and deserved.

before the conversation gets too hectic, castiel decides to inform them on what he had learned after his chat with rowena. he stands next to the table to join the others. "the angels are-" he breathes in. "heaven wont help."

dean adjusts himself in his seat in annoyance. "they know that this is the end, right? of everything?"

"yes, dean-." 

sam interrupts. "and they don't care?"

"no, its not that. its.. they know--" he takes a step closer to dean. "they know god is dying and they don't think we can win this, souls or no souls. they're sealing heaven, and they're quote, 'dying with dignity'." cas replies, feeling defeated.

"well thats just awesome" dean scoffs. cas pulls out a seat and sits next to him, leaning his head against dean's body as dean wraps his arm around his shoulders. he draws little circles along the angel's back as a way to comfort him. dean has always done this to calm castiel, it's like his own personal medicine. its's their own secret way of showing intimacy.  rowena and chuck, whom are sitting next to each other across from the pair, notice this and whisper to each other in awe.

sam looks over to the king of hell. "all right, crowley. what about you?"

he laughs. "well i had all the souls we needed-"

dean turns his head quickly in disbelief to look at the man. "what do you mean had?"

"while i was indisposed, a few of my demonic pals decided to raid my stash."

everyone takes a breath before castiel speaks up again from within dean's hold. "well, what we have, it's not enough." as soon as the angel finishes his sentence, all the lights in the bunker go read. followed by a snarky comment from crowley, dean gets up quickly with his brother and they both cock their gun to the sound of the trailing footsteps and ready their aim to the bunker door. as a reflex, cas pulls out his angel blade and steps next to them.

the door opens, and billie enters.

she looks around. "nice digs."

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