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Amara, the embodiment of the darkness, is one of the most dangerous things that the brothers have had to go up against.

Death informed the Winchesters by explaining, "before there was light, before there was god and the archangels, there wasn't nothing. there was the darkness, a horribly destructive, amoral force that was beaten back by god and his archangels in a terrible war. god locked the darkness away where it could do no harm, and he created a mark that would serve as both lock and key, which he entrusted to his most valued lieutenant, Lucifer. but the mark began to assert its own will, revealed itself as a curse, and began to corrupt."

the lock and key that death spoke of, was called the Mark of Cain. It was the first curse in existence, and it was the power to the first blade.

first, as death explained, the mark was to conseal the darkness, but then her brother, god, gave the dangerous mark to lucifer, who transferred it to cain to use the blade, and he transferred it to dean to kill abaddon.

the mark gave the carrier immunity to any source of death, and if death were to reach the host, it would bring the person back to life. it could also enhance strength and stamina, which allowed dean to kill abaddon and angels. although the mark gave these abilities, it also meant that the carrier would have urges of murderous acts, and it's main effect was that it could turn a human host into a demon, which effected dean tremendously.

it was removed from him when rowena casted a spell from the book of the dammed, unknowingly setting Amara free from where she was kept.

that's when dean saw her for the first time.

Amara took residence in a newborn vessel, and it's only taken her days to grow into the adult woman that dean recognizes. now she's on the loose, and it's up for sam, dean and castiel to take her down and come up with a plan before it's too late.

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