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"what is it?" dean whispers in curiosity, looking at castiel.

Sam beings to speak,
astonished at the beautiful yet terrifying colors painted across the sky. "it looks like the sun is-"

"dying." cas intervenes, making sam and dean look his direction, only to see confusion on cas' face.

"why would amara do that?" sam questions him, struggling to hold chuck off the ground with one arm.

chuck looks up at the sky with guilt and disappointment.

"the sun is the source of all life on earth. without it, everything just...
just wastes away."

dean looks up and closes his eyes, regretting every single moment leading up to this.

he keeps blaming himself and he's aware of it.

"let's get the hell out of here." dean whispers and almost immediately, chuck snaps his fingers with whatever powers he has left to teleport them into the war room of the men of letters bunker.

everyone looks around the room stunned before chuck speaks up quietly. "still got a few tricks up my sleeve. i'm not dead y-" he collapses after releasing from the younger brothers grip, underestimating his self strength. sam catches him again out of reflex.

"oh, wow. okay, i got you" sam reassures him.

"i should probably sit down"

"yeah, come on." sam agrees, helping him into the chair before him.

as this is going on, castiel observes the details of deans face, noticing every scratches and freckles that he loves. he loves all the little flaws that dean has, and he's making sure he's seen every single mark. he believes the world is ending soon, so he wants to remember the important things.

if he could spend the rest of the time he has left memorizing his favorite piece of art, he would.

he looks away though after dean makes soft eye contact and smiles slightly.

"all right, okay" sam looks up at the rest of the group, stretching.

the now bashful castiel just looks down and speaks.
"what do we do now?"

nights in white satin | deancasWhere stories live. Discover now