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castiel closes the door behind him as dean lays on his messy bed, wishing for some sort of break. after turning the light to dim, cas walks over and lays next to dean, resting his hand on the hunters chest.

"how're you holding up love?" the angel asks, snuggling closer.

"i'm alive, that's about it. but at least you're here with me. i have no clue how i'd get through half this shit without you." he replies, giving cas a forehead kiss.

"one day, we'll be happy forever. we'll have our little family and be safe."

"with our lives, i don't think we'll ever be 100% safe." dean sighs, locking his eyes with his lovers. "i can't leave this life, no matter how hard i've tried."

"then i'll protect you and our family, like i've always tried to." cas smiles reassuringly.

"like you always have." dean smiles back sweetly before interlocking his lips with cas'. he wishes he could live in this moment forever, with no one to hurt him or his precious angel.

"dean, are you about ready?" sam yells from the other side of the door, interrupting the couple.

"goddammit sam." dean whispers to cas before kissing him again. "yeah almost!" he yells back in annoyance to his younger brother.

"you should be glad i didn't start something you couldn't have finished." cas smirks, kissing deans neck as he packs a small bag. dean throws the bag over his shoulder before walking over to the door.

"wouldn't that be a shame, sweetheart?" dean comments back, opening the door. castiel quickly runs next to him and gives him a quick kiss goodbye, and whispers, "stay safe, hunter, i love you." in his ear.

dean mouths it back before walking with his brother, who looks at dean in shock. "did cas just-"

"shut your cakehole" dean threatens, making castiel chuckle.

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