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dean stands by his brothers side, keeping a close eye of his angel.

nothing's changed for hours, vessel still being held captive by the archangel, making dean filled with disappointment once again.

all he can pay attention to is the longing he feels for castiel, and sam can tell. dean never acts this way, especially during an end of the world crisis. he knows deep down that this is more than just a plan, he just doesn't want to admit it.

no one is even acknowledging the fact that rowena is secretly communicating with the darkness right in front of them. the perks of being a witch, as she would recite.

as rowena works her magic, she walks outside without anyone questioning, except earning a concerned look from chuck.  almost immediately after stepping outside of the abandoned powerplant she faces amara, who was just in deans room, digging through his pictures in the bunker.

"he's here?" amara asks, bluntly. she doesn't believe a word rowena says, just like everyone else.

rowena hesitates, breathing in heavily. she knows how this is gonna go down, it's either gonna end bloody, or deadly. or both. "yes, right in here" she mumbles, taking a step forward.
"deal holds? safe passage back in time? i went out on a limb for you – betrayed god, of all people."

"you didn't betray god. you betrayed me. i knew this was a trap the moment you called. i didn't care. all i've ever wanted is a one-on-one with my brother. and you've just given it to me. the question is how am i going to repay you?" amara brings attention to the female as she walks around in circles. rowena just fakely smiles in return.

"attenuare!" rowena yells, throwing a purple light of magic at amara. attenuare is a diminishing spell that injurs the target from the inside out. it takes multiple witches to even perform the spell, but amara doesn't know that.

"that tickles" amara scoffs. "do you really think the power of one will hurt me?"

"i'm not just one witch" rowena yells back, performing the spell as the coven supporting her from far away continues the spell with her.

this manages to damage the darkness, but amara counteracts it by throwing the power back at her, resulting in knocking rowena to the ground and killing the coven.

"points for trying" amara fake praises her, walking next to her body. rowena notices the damage inflicted, seeing the bruises of black up and down her arms and body.

until thunder rolls overhead, electricity crackling in roiling black clouds. amara just chuckles and opens her arms wide, screaming as a bolt of energy slams down on top of her. Light washes over rowena on the ground. dust and dirt fall from the ceiling as a reaction from the shaking walls, making dean glance over to castiel's vessel, resisting the urge to grip onto his arm. he knows if he did that though, he'd never hear the end of it from lucifer, or anyone else.
he just grabs sam's shoulder instead.

from all directions demons pour in, twisting smoky runnels that head straight for the darkness. amara screams, blowing all the lights out from the inside, sam ducks when sparks rain down behind him.

Crowley worriedly steps out of the venue, leaving his vessel to attack amara. his strike knocks her out of the cloud of demons into a car, completely totaling the vehicle.

before sam, dean, lucifer and chuck's eyes, amara stumbles into the building, coughing from the impact. dean begins to step forward towards her, but sam stops him, knowing it wouldn't turn out right.

amara stares intently at chuck before speaking. "hello brother. you cheated"

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