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"hello, my children." chuck greets the group, shining a light to bring awareness that he arrived.

"rowena, crowley, it's good to finally meet you in person"

rowena shuffles her feet and prepares to suck up to god. "sorry about, well, everything i've ever done in my life. really, y-you can't have been a fan." she cries as she pretends to be remorseful.

she's good at faking things and she knows it, except sam and dean can see right through her, and so can her son, crowley. basically, consider yourself lucky if you've never met her.

chuck straightens his posture at the fake sorrow. "oh, yeah, i've been quietly rooting against you both for some time now. although, i can't deny you're one of my guilty pleasures."

rowena giggles and crowley gives a disgusted look in return. uncomfortable himself, dean makes a side comment. "all right, no flirting. and no fighting."

'yeah right, dean, tell yourself that' castiel laughs at himself, still being held down inside by lucifer.

"yeah and no deals. no talks about who is owed what if we survive this." Sam adds, making sure it's known, because someone always makes the comment or asks the boys later for pity.

"no one likes each other, it doesn't matter" dean says as he turns his head towards crowley, who nods in agreement. sam adds, "we only have the fight ahead."

"amara's looking for me. but I'm warded against her, for now. the second i drop the warding, she'll show." chuck warns the group.

minutes prior, amara managed to get the bunkers location by forcing the word "kansas" from the last prophet, Donatello. currently, she's searching through the bunker, not knowing where the group is currently located.

"she'll be expecting a fight, and we'll give it to her. shock and awe. shock, and awe. you have your troops in position?" chuck finishes his sentence, taking a huge breath of nervousness in as rowina raised her hand quickly. "yes rowena?"

"fabulous plan, god, but doesn't this strategy strike anyone as a wee bit un-strategic? shouldn't we at least try to catch her off guard?" she asks, making dean turn his head to look at his brother. he can't believe he actually agrees with that witch.

"is that sequence set in stone? demon, angel, witch power? seems to me that the first response should come from the most disposable force." says crowley, automatically getting insulted by lucifer in front of the Lord himself. "right! good argument, doggie. demons first, it is."

"the weakest should go first. naturally, that means the witches." crowley defends himself with a snarky remark, earning a pissed off look from his mother. "enough" sam alerts the three before turning his attention back on chuck.

"after that, it's lucifer's turn. physical attack. one-on-one." he announces, making dean scared inside. castiel is still in there, what if he gets hurt? what if something happens to him? what would he do?

"what about cas?" dean asks, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible.

but that disappears when lucifer makes the sarcastic comment back.
"oh, don't worry. your pet's safety is my highest concern." both Castiel and dean want to just straight up punch him in the face even though the angel can't. Lucifer just rolls his eyes. "trust me, he's on board."

"once she's been weakened, i will take the mark back from amara and use it to seal her away. you ready?" chuck directly asks sam, who agrees.

"wait what?" dean shoots a look at the two, confused as hell. chuck just gives a more irritating look back, making the other people in the group turn towards the boys.

"god and i talked about this. someone needs to bear the mark." sam informs his brother, not meaning to make him livid. "well, that should be me. i-ive had it before. i'm damaged goods."

"exactly" chuck blurts out. "you've already been tainted. i can't transfer it to you. sam volunteered."

now deans pissed and everyone notices, even castiel and god. dean yanks his younger brother to the side to talk some sense into him.

"first cas is making kamikaze side plans, and now you? you couldn't have talked to me?" dean yells, making it known that he's not okay with this deal whatsoever. "we did talk".

dean knows first hand how it feels to have that mark and be never wants the one he wants to protect the most feel that sort of pain. "and what happens when the mark turns you psycho, then what?"

"you lock me up where i can't hurt anyone and you throw away the key."
sam replies, knowing damn well dean won't let that happen. "sam no."

"dean, you told me you couldn't beat amara, that it would have to be me. well, this is it - me." sam argues before getting interrupted by lucifer again as he talks to crowley. "i'm just saying, angels can hurt her. it's worked before."

crowley looks him dead in the eye. "if you call giving amara a mild case of the pukes working."

"we're trying to disorientate her as much as hurt her. you underestimate witchcraft, fergus, always have." rowena spits, almost shutting her son up all together. she knows he hates his birth name, so she uses it to her advantage.

"if anything, she's inoculated. full-scale demon attack. that's our x-factor" he replies, earning a laugh from lucifer.

Sam just keeps whispering to his furious brother, who's wishing castiel was by his side right now. "we talked about this. it's time to do the smart thing."

"so, what am i supposed to do, just sit by and watch?"

"no. we're both in this fight. you're leading this army." sam looks his brother in the face, making dean relax the slightest bit.

"oh, you mean babysitting the bad guys?" sam just huffs out a laugh in response.

"okay, sam. okay. god's plan."

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